Seen any good movies lately?

I think you can say “sex” on CC. :wink:


I’m never sure what’s allowed and what isn’t. Some words get ■■■■■ ed out if you use them, but I don’t keep track of which ones are/aren’t TBH.

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It’s pretty easy to edit your post if the little black boxes appear…


We just watched Red Notice on Netflix. I understand why the critics don’t like it, and I understand why audiences do. Once you accept not taking it seriously, it was entertaining. I don’t know Ryan Reynolds and this movie did not make me a fan. * I enjoyed the easter eggs throughout, heavy handed as some were.

  • I didn’t like Ryan Gosling in La La Land either, and never much liked Ryan O’Neal. So maybe I don’t like Ryans? I do like Chris’s though!

I agree, and this is something I can do easily as long as it’s somewhat believable (aka, no Superheros, but regular humans dealing with time travel, dinosaurs, and getting put into games like Jumanji are fun).

I also love those that are totally made up and not, “Based on a true story” where that “true story” had so much liberty taken with it that the only thing true is essentially, “well, there was a Jamaican bobsled team.”


We watched King Richard on HBO Max last night - about Venus and Serena Williams’ father. We thought Will Smith was excellent, and really enjoyed the movie.


Watched Red Notice on recommendation from this thread - was exactly as discussed - entertaining, diverting, not ‘realistic’ but the leads were charming and it was fun.


its been out for a bit i think, but just saw it on a streaming service and i watched Green Book. I liked it - going to have a family movie night with it with our kids at Christmas when they are back.


For those who liked Red Notice, another one to consider is Central Intelligence (it’s older). Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart do a terrific job of entertaining in that one. It’s not the least bit realistic, but incredibly fun - though it has more (unnecessary) sexual references in it than Red Notice did if that matters to folks.

About Time is another fun one we love, but I think I heard about that one on this thread, so it’s not unheard of. Ditto on more sex with that one, but it fits the story so we personally don’t find it offensive.


We watched Shang Chi last night on Disney Plus and both H and I really enjoyed it.

Add me as another who enjoyed the light fun of Red Notice - had nothing else to do on Friday evening and it was an enjoyable way to pass the time. I watched on Netflix not in the theater. Then I read a couple of reviews and was amused at how the reviewers took what to me was clearly not supposed to be a serious movie and applied all their intellectual criticism to it.


Saw The Eternals over the weekend. It wasn’t a bad movie, just a bit too long - over 2.5 hours. We went to a theater to see the movie and felt safe going. We had to present proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test to enter the theater. Probably a dozen people in the theater.

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We streamed “Tick…tick…boom” on Netflix last night. I have seen it performed on stage a few times and I think the film did a decent job.


I’m excited to see Tick tick boom, but will have to watch on a day when H is doing something else since he is not interested in it.

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I watched it when H was playing golf this past weekend – LOL.

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Thanks for the Tick Tick Boom recommendation. By the title, I was expecting a bomb/criminal thriller.

LOL, told husband about this and he also is not interested!

H thought he read about a 2021 remake of the Thomas Crown Affair. Couldn’t find that so we watched the 1999 remake of the movie (Rene Russo and Pierce Brosnan–Faye Dunaway had a small part). Afterward, we watched the original 1968 Thomas Crown Affair with Dunaway and Steve McQueen. What a contrast!!
I looked online and don’t think there’s a '21 remake yet.


Ladies, if you want to watch TTB - just watch it! My H wasn’t interested in it, but he watches plenty of stuff I don’t like. FWIW mine ended up watching it anyway and did not dislike it :slight_smile:

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We watched Tick, Tick Boom tonight and liked it. We saw the movie version of Rent earlier this year - liked it (especially the music) but didn’t love it.

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