Seen any good movies lately?

I watched “Good Luck To You, Leo Grande” on Hulu. I must say, Emma Thompson is one brave woman.

Oh, and Daryl McCormack is :fire: :fire: !

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Good Will Hunting, The Social Network, and Old School are great to get in the mood for college.


Just watched Persuasion on Netflix and I feel really guilty because I enjoyed it. The reviews are primarily scathing, I know. But if you totally disassociate it with Jane Austen, I found it a fun romp with charismatic actors and great sets and costumes.

I must not be alone because there’s a big gap between critics and audience scores on Rotten Tomatoes.


I wasn’t too impressed with the new Persuasion. It looks nice but between the constant mugging for the camera by Anne Elliott combined with the Captain Wentworth actor being dull I did not feel moved. I prefer the British “show rather than tell” versions. My favorite is the Amanda Root-Ciaran Hinds version, with the Sally Hawkins-Rupert Penry-Jones second. I liked Henry Golding in this one, but no need to watch again.


The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent starring Nicolas Cage. If you like him (we do), it was a fun ride.


I decided from the start not to think of it as an adaption of the book, but rather stand alone. So no comparisons to other portrayals. I thought Dakota Johnson did a good job with what she was asked to do. Agree that Captain Wentworth was dull, but perhaps that was the appeal with that family! No drama, calming guy.


Fresh is an interesting movie. It’s horror, more of the suspense variety vs slasher. Sebastian stann (Winter soldier/avengers) is a main character.

It’s about a young lady who has horrible luck with dating apps so she decides to go out with a guy she meets in the supermarket. Obviously it does not go well…

It has a sort of gross theme, but we really liked it.

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I saw Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris last night. It was a charming story with great acting.


Yes, I saw it as a play via video performed in the UK. It was quite charming.

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Just finished watching a movie called “The Social Network”. It tells the story of a baby faced Harvard student, who overnight became a billionaire by creating Facebook. It shows what it takes to be a successful entrepreneur.


Good Will Hunting is one of the best college movies.


Really enjoyed the true spy international movie “Jack Strong”, and the series about a movie - the making of The Godfather - “The Offer”.

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everything everywhere all at once is more than a good movie.


Enjoying the latest Downton Abbey movie. Fluffy but good!


Watched The Grey Man. It was listed on Netflix as the number one movie (in English) internationally. I can see why. There was a lot of different countries and cultures. We liked it. Definelty action packed and Netflix spent a lot of money on this one.


I saw something you could wait in line to participate in outside Comic Con in San Diego when we were walking around last weekend. It was recreating a scene from The Grey Man movie. H has this in our list on Netflix and we will probably watch Friday night.

H enjoyed The Grey Man but I left and went upstairs after 45 minutes or so into the movie…but I’m not a lover of action movies in general.

Do documentaries count? Downfall: The Case Against Boeing was interesting. It explored the connection between Boeing’s culture change and its ill-fated 737 MAX.

I recall Alec Baldwin interviewed director Rory Kennedy a few months ago. Apparently, she has carved a niche for herself as a documentarian. It was very well done.


Ron Howard’s new movie Thirteen Lives, about the rescue of Thai Wild Boars kids and the coach in northern movie.

Love Ron Howard’s movie, Apollo 13 (and others) This looks like another good movie about number 13 from him.


Thank you! I see it will be available on Amazon Prime on August 5! Will definitely watch. We are also bid fans of his Apollo 13.