Seen any good movies lately?

Oh cool. Thanks for letting me know it’s free now. Last time I checked it cost money and we streamed something free instead. I want to watch that. Maybe tonight!

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it was SO HOT that we went to the theater to cool down. Found a movie with decent reviews - and we both liked it for being a complete unknown! Vengence with BJ Novak from The Office. it’s a dark comedy of sort. both gave it a thumbs up


We’re not heading to movie theaters (especially right now as we are recovering from Covid). But, we did see Michael Clayton which was really well-done and well-acted. Leave No Trace. Very well done.

Any one see Bullet Train yet? I was eager to see it in a theatre but it didn’t work for me. It felt like one of those movies where the makers are in on their own joke. After a half hour, I wasn’t rooting for anyone and the coincidences seemed too contrived. So I left.

I could see it being one of those love it/don’t love it kind of movies though. Interested to hear other people’s thoughts.


I did see a great movie last night! Gaslight 1944 version with Ingrid Bergman.


We really enjoyed it and thought it was a fun movie.

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My husband and I watched Thirteen Lives (Amazon Prime) and thought it was well done.

At first we were undecided based on the description - “ A rescue mission is assembled in Thailand where a group of young boys and their soccer coach are trapped in a system of underground caves that are flooding.”. Then I remembered recommendations here, and we saw it was a Ron Howard film (which we tend to like). This is based on a true story that was in the news a great deal in 2018, but we learned some new things about it (trying to avoid spoilers0.


It was trying way too hard to replicate “Snatch” (same director, I think?) – and that movie was brilliant and cannot be replicated.
Very forced. Silly plot.
But Brad Pitt is easy on the eyes; he never ages and he tries very hard to make this movie work.
The action was good, I liked that.

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“like lightning!”

Anyone watch Where the Crawdads Sing? I’m debating going to see it tomorrow for my birthday, but not really sure if that’s what I want to do or not. It’s likely to be hot eliminating my desire to hike or play Putt Putt. That movie is the only one sort of sparking my interest that’s currently playing at our local theater.

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We saw it last week. It was very good. Very good acting. Neither of us had read the book but really enjoyed the story.


I tonight it was good but not outstanding.

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We did go see Where the Crawdads sing on my birthday a couple of days ago and we really, really liked it, both the storyline and the acting. The only major quibble we had with it is wondering how in the world they were able to make a film about being right in the marshes, swamps, and bays without a single bug entering the scenes. One heard the bugs in the night scenes, but no swatting flies, mosquitos, or anything else.

Interestingly enough, both people we’ve talked with IRL who also went to see the film have the same puzzlement!


I haven’t seen the movie yet but this reminds me of something from my own life. I grew up south of the “gnat line.” I never thought much about it until I moved away and returned for visits. Where did all these annoying gnats come from??? My friends/family who continued to live there had no idea what I was talking about. You don’t really notice those things that are just part of daily life.


H saw the new Thor movie in the theater while I had an eye doctor appointment. He didn’t like it as much as the previous Thor movies, but he said it was on ok way to kill a few hours.
We just saw the new Dr. Strange movie, Dr. Strange Multiverse of Madness. It was ok, but not great. We just watched it on Disney +, wouldn’t have paid to see it in the theater.

H and I just watched Almost Famous this last weekend. I hadn’t seen it in a while and forgot how good it is! I love Frances McDormand’s character!


The Tiny Dancer scene is one of my top, oh say, 100 movie scenes of all time.


That is a great scene! That movie is full of great things!

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We were lucky enough to see the world premier of the new musical at The Old Globe in San Diego just before the pandemic hit - fantastic fun and very professionally done. There were tons of local references. It’s finally coming to Broadway.


Wow! That’s so cool! Hope I can see it at some point! Didn’t Cameron Crowe also do Fast Times at Ridgemont High? Another fun movie, that I haven’t seen in ages!

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@natty1988 - Fast Times was also Cameron Crowe and it was based on Clairemont High School here in San Diego.