Seen any good movies lately?

We watched The Noel Diary and enjoyed it. We aren’t familiar with the young lead actress, but thought she was good (and sings beautifully, if it was her).

Tonight we watched Slumberland. H didn’t care for it (but wasn’t paying attention), but I liked it more and more as the story unfolded.


My son and I saw the new Knives Out sequel in a movie theater this past weekend. Apparently Netflix chose to release it in theaters for one week only before its streaming release late next month. We both thought it was very enjoyable and even better than the first movie! I’ll watch it again with my husband when it’s released on Netflix around Christmas.


My son and I had planned to see that Thanksgiving afternoon and were both looking forward to it. We both thought it was released as a regular movie. Then we looked up times and saw it was only playing 45 minutes away from us and would be out on Netflix within the month. Disappointing. And a $ loss for them because if it had even been closer we would have gone to see it because we were looking forward to that movie theater experience.

Good to know. We enjoyed the first “Knives Out” movie

I believe they release in the theater to be eligible for the Oscars.

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We saw Glass Onion lasr night. We all enjoyed it. I’m glad I got to see it in a full theater, I think that adds to the experience. Lots of clever asides and Easter Eggs. And cameos.


The Swimmer on Netflix - an amazing, thought provoking movie based on a true story about a pair of refugee sisters their journey to Germany and their swimming talent. Highly recommend.


We just saw Devotion in the theater. Very compelling true story, we thought it was excellent. I’m sure it will win some awards.


I saw The Fablemans this afternoon. I think Michelle Williams will do very well during awards season. Very poignant, but a little long. Not sure what could have been cut though.


Yes! I just watched. Great story, great acting and chemistry. This is what Hallmark used to be many years ago before they started mass producing garbage.


Was coming here to post the same thing. So ditto from me! And the actresses who play the sisters are sisters.


So you weren’t bothered by the fact that they spent the night in the car with just a blanket and a dog for extra warmth when it must have been well below freezing outside and emerged just fine the next day? And that they didn’t knock on the door when they saw the boots outside? And then the father was outside chopping a tree but didn’t seem to have noticed a strange car in his yard? Or that Kevin Pearson and his father spent a long time inside talking and decorating the tree while she stayed outside in the car again while it must have been well below freezing?

I liked a lot about it but, apparently, couldn’t get past that part of the story that could have been done so more logically.

@one_two , those things did cross my mind. However, in order to enjoy many shows & movies (especially This Is Us), I have learned to suspend reality when it comes to the details. :rofl:


I just kept thinking I wish they’d asked me to do a final reading and make suggestions – there’s an outbuilding with a fireplace and they end up spending the night in there, huddled together. She offers to make a big pot of chili in the kitchen while they talk and decorate the tree. I spent too much time worrying about them to focus on that part of the story.

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I watched the movie because I wasn’t feeling well and didn’t want to go the work of finding something else. I guess it was ok because I lasted through it all!

I’m a bit confused about the entire time frame - did he clean out all the hoarded stacks and fix up the house to perfect condition over a weekend or so? No idea of that time frame but from all the threads here seems like it should have taken many weeks. And more than one dumpster.

Also was confused why the woman waited out in the car for so long.

And also - what about the fiance? Seemed like she was stringing him along while developing a relationship with hot author - then dumped the author, then dumped the fiance…is this the basis for a healthy relationship? :wink:


:joy: Your family is lucky to have you caring for them! I hardly noticed these details. :smirk:

I thought the chemistry between the actors, the dialogue, and the cinematography were all fantastic. The glances, quiet remarks, the details of the letter on the nightstand, etc. I guess that’s just the way I am. I read people well, but often miss the big picture.

Hallmark disposes of these fiancés, first by making them out to be borderline jerks that deserve to be dumped (which this movie didn’t do), and then by making the fiancé realize that love wasn’t meant to be, and having the guy do a very quick 180 by happily blessing the new relationship. I will assume that is what happened here. LOL

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Watched Contagion (2011). Eerily similar to the COVID pandemic….China, CDC, WHO, alternative medicines, race to develop vaccines, closing schools, social distancing, concerns about people not trusting the CDC bc they were perceived to have overreacted to H1N1, the problem of 50 states with 50 different health agencies and protocols, not trusting vaccines and long term side effects etc….


I thought of Contagion early in the pandemic. I hadn’t watched it when it first came out but saw it on cable a few years later. It was eerily similar to real life.

One of the fun parts of the movie for me was familiar scenes- they had filmed around Chicagoland, including the next suburb to where we used to live. There was Matt Damon walking down the same streets I did, and in the little grocery store. I remembered the local news stories from the time of the filming - it was a big deal for the little village.


I’d never seen it before. It was the next one up after the movie I was watching finished. Lots of well known actors in it. I was really amazed at how closely it tracked how this current pandemic unfolded.

It’s fun to see places you frequent in the movies! A little known movie called Taps was filmed at a military academy near me when I was in HS. My friends and I were extras, Timothy Hutton was the star (fresh off ordinary people I think) and Tom Cruise was in it too but since no one really knew him then he received zero attention :joy:.


Tonight I watched Everything Everywhere All at Once on Starz. I had tried watching it about 10 days ago when I was coming down with pneumonia but my feverish brain just couldn’t comprehend it so I tried again tonight when I was clear headed and still had to work to keep up. It was so fast paced that I wanted to close my eyes for a few seconds now and then, but there were so many subtitles that I likely missed some bits.

I still can’t decide what I thought of it! Michelle Yeoh was fantastic. I’m fine with multiverses (actually rewatched some of Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse earlier in the day) but there a few too many rapid sequences for me. I appreciated many of the references, humor, and fight scenes. I also enjoyed reading IMBD trivia afterwards to help me understand much of what I missed. I read that one 15 second sequence was filmed over a year! I did record the whole movie earlier and maybe will try stop and go pause/play over some of the scenes to better appreciate all the work that went into it.

In the end it was classic themes but what an unusual journey to get there.