Seen any good movies lately?

We watched The Man who Invented Christmas, about Charles Dickens writing A Christmas Carol. It was really good! Especially Christopher Plummer as Scrooge.

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For those who are into space exploration, I highly recommend Good Night, Oppy documentary on Amazon Prime about the Mars rovers and their “home team.”

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I really liked Good Night, Oppy. Well done story about both robots and humans.

For some reason, I’ve just watched two documentaries about volcanos: The Volcano: Rescue from Whakaari on Netflix and Fire of Love on Disney+. Both very good, though grim. And another 3 part documentary I liked was Aftershock (I think on Discovery+) about the 2015 earthquake in Nepal. It focuses on climbers on Mt. Everest, tourists elsewhere in Nepal and the owners of a hotel in Kathmandu. Really good, but again, kinda grim.

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Just finished watching the new animated movie Strange World on Disney Plus. It was OK, but definitely not something we’d watch again.

3 of us that enjoyed Knives Out simply couldn’t sit through Glass Onion. We got about an hour in and all agreed we’d rather play Taboo. So we did.


We watched and enjoyed Glass Onion.

I would like to see the Fablemans. Maybe I will suggest that for tonight with H and S.

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All 4 in the family watched and really liked Glass Onion. Especially how it seemed to be poking at Elon Musk… (but it’s more an amalgam than a direct swipe, I’ve since read).


We did enjoy that -

And I’m enjoying how “Elon” always comes up as a link to the college but maybe that’s just me :slight_smile:

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I had a hard time sitting through The Glass Onion although enjoyed the first Knives Out.

Just saw Avatar 2 today - it’s a half hour longer than the original (3 hours 15 min!) and the storyline is less well-written (more scattered, less of a compelling, singular narrative). Lots of CGI fight sequences that frankly don’t really interest me. It was better than many other movies, though! The first Avatar is hard to live up to, IMO.


Watched about 10-15 mins of The Glass Onion with oldest S and H, then they had had enough and we watched Bladerunner 2049.

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Thoroughly enjoyed Glass Onion. I really don’t think the murder mystery was the point, more like the vehicle for great dialog, acting, and witty, unexpected cameos. And skewering Elon and Elon types made it that much more fun. Pretty prescient since it was made before the Twitter debacle.

Probably will watch it again soon to pick up all the bits I missed first time around.


Agree with the “did not really enjoy” Glass Onion crowd. Really loved Knives Out, not impressed w/ Glass Onion.


That long of a movie without an intermission will probably mean we’ll watch it on Netflix instead of at the theater. I detest having to leave a movie and missing parts of it.

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This is a tough crowd for Glass Onion. I thought it was great fun. It had me with Fibonacci Sequence and the absurd reference to Gillian Flynn. I’ll have to watch again to see what I missed the first time. (Neither of those are spoilers, just throwaways.)


I enjoyed Glass Onion, but admit the first 15 or so minutes introducing all the characters did drag a bit. However, I just wanted to add to @123Mom123’s post to say that I absolutely loved Bladerunner 2049!! Thought they did an amazing job coming up with a fresh story that really honored the original (unlike other sequels like Star Wars that didn’t break any new ground but just felt like retreads of the same story). I was so disappointed that it didn’t do well in the theaters when it was released.

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It’s funny because the first 15 minutes were absolutely delightful to me and my H. The way the puzzles were solved, the person who actually figured out the most, the throwaway lines, the cameos, all of that set the tone for the rest of the movie for us.


We watched Glass Onion and enjoyed it. We found it entertaining and the cameos had us laughing. We’re big tennis fans and liked that one in particular.

Two dialogue parts really resonated with me.

The first:

“It’s so dumb.”
“It’s so dumb, it’s brilliant!”

The second:

“It’s a dangerous thing to mistake speaking without thought for speaking the truth.”


I really loved the cameo by HG as Benoit’s partner. That was the best! The one by SW when they were talking in the gym was super funny too. Those didn’t show up til mid-movie though.


We ended up watching Glass Onion over two nights and it was perfectly enjoyable for us. We didn’t go in expecting a lot from the movies and in the end we are glad we chose it.