Seen any good movies lately?

I just saw “You People” with Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Jonah Hill, EDDIE MURPHY, Nia Long. It was good. Reminded me of “She’s gotta have it” in tone. Lots of thought provoking remarks with a nice love story.


“A Man Called Ove” was one of the first books I read in retirement, based on a recommendation list from a more well-read friend. I really liked it. Hubby and I both enjoyed the movie, but as often is the case it was not as richly developed as the book. Still I thought it was a nice movie, well capturing the spirit of the book.


We watched Where the Crawdads Sing on the plane recently. Mr. had very low expectations (meh, no exploding planes or vehicles?) but was glad I convinced him to watch. Beautiful cinematography. I thought it was very well done. I have not read the book so can’t compare. Too bad Taylor Swift did not get an Oscar nomination for her song Carolina featured in the movie.


Just watched Devotion. Great story of Jesse Brown, first African American Navy Pilot. I really loved it.


I’ve read the Ove book, and saw both the Swedish and US version of movie. One of the rare times that I felt the movie (both) were pretty close to being as good as the book.

I also love the Crawdads book and just couldn’t imagine a movie could do it justice…so maybe my expectations were very low, but I was quite pleasantly surprised.


One thing after another, tonight, Mr. B and I decided to rewatch an oldie - and the all time favorite of ours - “O Brother Where Art Thou?”What a great movie.


Coen Brothers are the best!

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Has anyone watched Plane? It looks interesting - not sure if it will be next week’s date.


re: O Brother Where Art Thou - I’ve really come full circle to liking it quite a bit now! going to put that on my list to rewatch!


Just finished watching Jerry and Marge Go Large on Amazon ($3 to rent) – H and I both enjoyed it. A nice, light, feel good movie was just what we needed tonight. Appreciate the recommendation.


Not sure that it’s been mentioned here:
Stutz, made by Jonah Hill about his psychiatrist/therapist. Highly recommended! On Netflix.


We watched Shotgun Wedding on Amazon last night (free for Prime). It was pretty predictable, but we enjoyed it for a Monday night.

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We watched The Fablemans last night and I wasn’t expecting to like it. I was pleastly surprised–I enjoyed the movie very much. I knew nothing about Steven Spielberg’s background/early life. I was invested from the start of the movie until the final scene, which is what IMO makes for a “good” movie or book.


Read the book. As in most cases, the book was better.

ok…confessing I only watched the first 20 minutes of Bardo, directed by Iñárritu (Birdman and Reverent director) It’s an Oscar nominee for Cinematography…yes, I can see that. But! This was the most Bizarre, weird, outlandish 20 minutes. There had to be some/mass quantities of drugs used to come up with some of what I saw…

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Saw 80 for Brady. Based on a true story but certainly a stretch. My friend who was with me didn’t know the game or the players as well as I did and I don’t think she got the joke about trading jerseys at the end. It is fine but no oscar winner.

From the previews it appears Jane Fonda has been busy this year as she’s in 2 more movies, another with Lily Tomlin.

And I haven’t been to the movies in a long time, but it appears no one else goes either. When we bought the tickets there had been about 8 others sold, and in total I doubt there were more than 20 people in the theater. No one checking tickets if you bought online, one guy selling the tickets and working concessions, never saw another worker and this is a big movie complex with about 10-12 screens and an IMAX.

Just watched The Menu on HBO Max and it was certainly provocative! A quite dark comedy with interesting food presentation and excellent acting. I subsequently enjoyed reading about the care and homage to actual top chefs, restaurants, and dishes. The filmmakers definitely did their homework.


Went to A Man Called Otto” last week. Sold out show. And everybody I talked to who’s been has said the theater has been full. Also sold out when I saw Top Gun:Maverick.

Lots of people around here going to movies but like anything else it depends on the show. Some empty theaters also for some other movies.

Seeing 80 for Brady this week so I’ll see how full it is.


I agree. Our matinee showing wasn’t full for Otto, but there were a lot of people there. Our row was probably around 75%.

Yet we went to Avatar in a matinee and had the whole theater to ourselves even though that one was top at the box office.

It just depends upon who else wants to see what movie the same time we do. We heard a LOT of people buying tickets to Otto when we watched Avatar, but it was Otto’s second week of being out then, so made sense for a terrific movie.

We saw Knock at the Cabin yesterday. It was good. Not as traumatizing to me as I feared watching the previews. I usually do scary/suspense stuff at home. I didn’t realize what I was signing up for when I told H I would go. Only an hour beforehand did I realize it was the movie with the scary previews Ha.

H bought our tickets early. While I was waiting for him, I’d see a group of 3 old/older ladies go in. Followed by another group. Then another and another and another. When he came out, I was like “what in the world were they all seeing?” Last time we saw that many old ladies in the theater a year or so ago, it was a Jesus movie. Nope. 80 for Brady! That theater had to be packed. Our theater only had 4 other people. I like it that way. It was a 5:00 show on a Sunday. I’m sure there were more Friday/Saturday night. For ours, it generally depends on the movie and the day/time. But they are rarely packed, even pre-covid.