Seen any good movies lately?

Finally watched Everything Everywhere All at Once. Thought it was very good, although DH did not like it and I did not think it was as brilliant as my kids did. Loved the rock scene and the overall story, but some of the frenetic pace was a bit of sensory overload for me.


I really enjoyed it, but I know many people who were like “ what did I just watch?”


I did have a craving for a simple juicy cheeseburger afterwards.

This is on my list, only because I’ve seen so many Oscar nominees this year and figured I’d add this. The preview didn’t interest me so I’ve been putting it off. This is the push I need - do many times I’m not interested in a movie and then really enjoy it.

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We saw that this weekend and I really liked it. Rupert Grint is I think my favorite grown Potter kid. I absolutely love him in Servant, and he really had me on the edge of my seat in Knock- and I knew what was happening since I had read the book. Side note, the book was probably the most depressing book I’ve read, so I was really glad the movie was not quite as bleak.

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Saw 80 for Brady last night and loved it. Went in the theatre restroom afterwards and everyone was raving about it. Definitely a fun one to see in the theatre as it was fun to laugh along with everyone. This is one where the Rotten Tomato reviews are vastly different between critics and viewers.


We saw Avatar on a weekday afternoon and there were only a handful of other people there. I am sure it’s busier when people aren’t at work or at school, but it’s also been out for quite a while. One of the advantages of being self-employed is that I can play hooky when I want.

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I know H is getting annoyed with me, because he LOVES going to the movies and going Friday/Saturday night. But I don’t care if I go then ever again. I love Sunday afternoons or Tuesday/Wednesday nights. Especially weeknights. The place is empty. It’s not like we have anything else to do. Why not go then?!


We didn’t like Everything Everywhere. My husband commented, “If this were Costco, I’d ask for my money back.”


Us too!


Jonah Hill’s documentary Stutz was unique and I thought very interesting - it’s on Netflix.


We just watched HALLELUJAH: Leonard Cohen, A Journey, A Song on Netflix and it was fascinating. I’m not an aficionado of music history but learned so much.


My H watched that yesterday and loved it. The only problem - he’s been singing Hallelujah nonstop. It wouldn’t be that bad as I like the song but he only does three hallelujahs on repeat.


H and I watched Your Place or Mine on Netflix for our Saturday night movie. It was your typical romcom with Reese Witherspoon and Ashton Kutcher, but we enjoyed it.


i have always loved a good rom-com. But is the movie industry making them any more for younger people? all the rom-coms coming out seem to have the same people in them - julia, reese, ashton, sandra, george, . . . and i can’t imaging the younger generations watching them! maybe its a fading genre now. ? :woman_shrugging:t3:

and PS: just for fun i watched the movie Valentines Day yesterday. cute - and forgettable. but loved seeing all my old friends in it!

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We watched Arctic last night, a story of the fight for survival after a plane crash. There is almost no dialogue. You are left to simply watch the enormous struggle against the elements and loneliness while considering our responsibility to each other. It was riveting. The ending may leave some unsatisfied, but all the more reason to watch this one IMO. Mads Mikkelsen is outstanding.


It’s a powerful enough song that even though it seemed to be playing for about a third of the movie, it never got overmuch. So much history to the song, its versions, and its performers!

One of the most moving renditions for me was when Kate McKinnon sang it as Hillary Clinton in the SNL cold open right after the 2016 election. What I didn’t realize until seeing the movie was that was done only days after Leonard Cohen passed away. Turns out it was partly done as a tribute to him.


I totally agree, it’s a very powerful song. But a hallelujah triplet, repeated over and over again, not so much.

“Jerry and Marge Go Large”. Good movie based on a true story.


That was great! My favorite scene, as someone who volunteers to be treasurer a lot, was the one when Jerry tried to explain numbers to the stockholders and they decided they’d rather go eat supper in a café instead. :sweat_smile: I used to prepare detailed reports and make copies for everyone, then discovered that nobody cares! Now I just zip through the P&L report and everyone is fine with it.