Seen any good movies lately?

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I just watched a movie called The Gift on Netflix. I missed it when it was in theaters a few years ago. I highly recommend it to anyone who is a fan of psychological thrillers. It stars Jason Bateman and Rebecca Hall as a married couple who become increasingly unnerved when an old friend of his from high school shows up and starts inserting himself into their lives. The friend is played by Joel Edgerton who also wrote and directed the movie. It had me on the edge of my seat almost from the beginning!

Isn’t Jeff Bridges brilliant in Hell and high water!! And compared it to “Logan Lucky”, it is a much deeper and I believe truer movie depicting the society we are living in, where robbing a bank with guns is a crime but robbing a bank with credit-default swap is a strategy…

@Mom2jl same here. I just watched it on demand and liked it a lot. I don’t ever remember hearing about it when it came out.

+1 for The Gift. Saw it when it came out several years back as it was part of the double feature at the drive-in. I didn’t know much about it at the time and was pleasantly surprised by how good it was. Good psychological thriller.

I am so late to the Coco game, but missed it in the theater and really wanted to see if it would swing around to any of our “cheap” theaters. Am I glad I waited! Saw it tonight. What a beautiful film (yes, Pixar animation), loved it from start to finish!

“Edge of Seventeen”: I just finished watching it at home. It’s a very believable, funny, and moving depiction of an unhappy teenage girl.

Just got out of Chappaquiddick. It was pretty good. Held my interest throughout. It’s a good mixture of Kennedy lore, history, late 60’s culture, the tragedy and the cover-up by the Political Machine. If he weren’t a Kennedy or a Senator, the movie implies he would have gone to prison for manslaughter. We had gone out to Chappaquiddick a couple years ago on Spring Break and toured around so it was fun to recognize the ferry and a few other things. Nice piece of historical fiction. From Massachusetts, I remember as a young girl my family talking about it at family gatherings, so it brought it all back but with more historical information. HIghly recommend it for History buffs, Kennedy buffs, time period buffs and or Martha’s Vineyard buffs.

I’m not a huge Wes Anderson fan, but I really loved Isle of Dogs! I didn’t have high expectations, but it really drew me in. It was both humorous and poignant, but also a bit strange like most of Wes Anderson’s movies. My favorite movie of his before this one was The Grand Budapest Hotel.

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[spoiler]Luke, I’m your father[/spoiler]

[ spoiler]hidden text here[ /spoiler] coding. Just remove the spaces.

[spoiler]way cool, just had to try it![/spoiler]

Oh … even better than white print!!!

HBO has a 15 minute film on the Making of Isle of Dogs, shows the scope of the work needed to make the film- number of models, sets, actors voicing the characters, Wes…

Thank you! Sometimes you really need this ability - the trouble is that you probably will have to explain how to do it in every post!

Went today to The Miracle Season which I enjoyed very much. Even though the plot is predictable and you may already know the true story it’s based upon, it’s still an enjoyable tearjerker. Not one person left the theater before every single credit rolled and then there was applause.

Just saw Chappaquiddick. I enjoyed it more than I anticipated - as a movie. It was a sad reminder of the hypocritical nature of many politicians and the lengths they will go to to cover things up.

Saw previews for upcoming movies at Chappaquiddick. Most seemed very violent or unappealing. The ones now I am waiting for are the Grinch and NutCracker. Too bad will have to wait 7 months.

I saw some previews the other day amd many are now on my list - Final Portrait, Tully, RGB (Ruth Bader Ginsberg documentary) and The Rider.

If you watch the trailer for The Rider, IMHO you’ve seen the entire movie. No need to pay for a ticket. (certainly the Reader’s Digest or abridged version, but nonetheless it spells out the whole movie).

Just saw The Lunchbox - an Indian movie that came out five years ago. It’s very sweet - but that ending!!!

Love “lunchbox”, what a heartwarming gem!!!

Finally watched “ladybird” and the whole fam liked it. Now I want to watch “Frances Ha” and “Mistress America” again with the whole fam. Lol