Seen any good movies lately?

Rampage was bloated with CGI.
Loud, action packed and not much dialogue.
Typical The Rock action movie…

I finally saw The Intouchables - which I am pretty sure was a long ago CC recommendation. French movie about a quadripalegic and the ex-con he hires to be his aid. There were times when it seemed a little too slow moving, but it’s funny and heart-warming. And since it’s in French - I was pleased that I was not totally lost, though I was happy to read the subtitles!

I Feel Pretty
Funny, poignant, empowering Amy Schumer

Saw two of the Oscar contenders this week, both worth a watch for the quality of filmmaking but neither in my top 5 of Oscar picks.

Shape of Water - beautifully crafted visually, great cinematography, quirky for sure. I just didn’t like the story line. For one, I thought it was predictable. I just didn’t enjoy the storyline very much. Richard Jenkins was great.

Phantom Thread - Again, I admire the way the film was crafted but definitely an odd movie. Daniel Day-Lewis’ acting was superb - when is it not? I wish the director hadn’t chosen to film the movie in a grainy way. I think it detracted from the sumptuousness of the settings and clothing. It certainly deserved its Oscar win for Best Costume Design.

I thought ”I feel Pretty” was a silly, trite waste of time.

DH and I saw Beirut last night. It was written and produced in part by Tony Gilroy who wrote the Bourne movies and has John Hamm as sort of a washed up former CIA guy who is called back to Beirut, scene of a significant personal tragedy in his life, to solve a hostage situation, set in the early 80’s around the time of the end of Lebanon Civil War and Beirut is pretty much devastated. Really held your attention and John Hamm very believable in his role.

I guess we should see Beirut before we visit in June!

I just watched Logan Lucky and was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. It’s a quirky comedy heist film, on Amazon prime.

Saw the new Grace Jones documentary. If you’re a Grace Jones fan (I am) you’re in luck.

Heading out to see I Feel Pretty. I’m not necessarily the demographic but I support the subject matter. That’s good enough for me (and my Movie Pass).

I liked Logan Lucky too. Still have a question about the cockroaches though.

I saw I Feel Pretty with 5 women. We had fun, thought Amy S was good, and Michelle Williams quite good. Since I had minimal expectations, it was nice to have a few laughs.

Infinity War cannot be discussed without giving away spoilers. It was a tad long but worth 2.5 hours of your time if you enjoy the Marvel Comics Universe.

Back to Beirut… I am sure that the Beirut you might visit today will look entirely different than the totally destroyed Beirut of the Civil War and the early 80’s

I agree discussing Avengers Infinity War is difficult without revealing spoilers. Stop reading if you plan on seeing it. I will do my best to talk about it in general terms.
I didn’t know that Infinity War was a 2 part finale, so the ending was a cliffhanger. Infinity War felt bloated with all of the characters and multiple storylines. There is only one post credit scene. After googling it, it seems the next movie will introduce another Marvel character.

I love how the Marvel movies have become genuinely incredibly funny. My theater was cracking up throughout Infinity War (“He is a man. You are a dude” or “Oh, we’re using our made-up names?”). I saw Thor: Ragnarok in theaters and loved it, but when I went back to watch the original Thor, I found it somewhat bland and boring. They’ve really been upping their game with the humor and it makes the whole experience so much more fun.

Also, I’m obsessed with Tom Holland as Spider-Man. He is so endearing.

The remake of Overboard falls flat.
Eugenio Derbez steals the movie, muy charming…

Enjoyed The World’s Greatest Showman and Coco, as well as Avengers Infinity Wars.

Goodbye Christopher Robin was a rather memorable moody piece. I only saw the 1st half before we landed.

Saw Tully last night (I’ve bought in to Movie Pass, so I’m going to see films I wouldn’t normally go to see). The movie surprised me. I go to movies without looking them up. I had assumed Tully was a comedy.

I cannot wait until RBG comes to my county! Also looking forward to Book Club, and Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

@JustaMom Charlize did a DeNiro/Raging Bull. Tully was more of a dramedy but had homages from movies as disparate Sixth Sense and Shape of Water.

I saw RBG today. Such an inspirational movie! She has been such a role model for women of several generations.

And I also saw Tully. It was fairly comedic and realistic…until it wasn’t.