Seen any good movies lately?

Saw Incredibles 2 today. Loved it!

Saw Ocean’s 8 last week. It was entertaining enough but I couldn’t stop staring at Cate and Sandra’s flawless skin and makeup. I read that during filming they got “penis” facials that involve a serum derived from foreskin of Korean newborns. Just when you thought you’d heard everything.

Looking forward to Incredibles 2!

I will second the vote for Won’t You Be My Neighbor? And even though I always thought Mr. Rogers too earnest and the show began just as I was aging out of his demographic, I nevertheless found it moving almost to the point of tears, maybe because of the state we are in a as country today and his gentle message of kindness despite differences. One quote from the movie: "Love is at the root of everything, all learning, all relationships, love or the lack of it.”

@doschicos My D loved Incredibles 2. She has been waiting since she was 7, 14 years ago, for this sequel!

I always thought Mr. Rogers was a bit odd. Then I became a parent and watched my own child fall deep under his spell. She would listen intently as he explained or described or sang - and I found myself falling in love with him! Now I’ve read his books, I watched the vintage video of him in 1969 testifying to the senate committee for PBS funding (long before I became a parent), and I watch documentary films about him (yep, looking forward to the doc). I realize now what it was I found “odd” about him. In a tough world he was a gentle and kind soul…something I wasn’t used to. We could sure use a Mr. Rogers these days! (If you haven’t seen the 1969 testimony, here’s a link:

I remember a particularly funny episode of SNL with Eddy Murphy playing an inner city black version of Mr. Rogers.

I remember watching his show as a child and being really bored by it. But apparently he was a really good man.

When my son was 2, he threw a huge tantrum one day when I decided to surprise him by showing up early at his daycare for some mommy time at the local library. Turns out I was causing him to miss his beloved “Waja!”, which was a reliable staple at the daycare every day at 4pm. I learned my lesson, and never again tried to compete with Mr. Rogers. (And yes, the show was indeed excruciatingly boring for an adult… though never as utterly awful as Barney)

I found Mr. Rogers to be boring at times as well and didn’t love all the puppets (Lady Elaine is downright scary looking, IMO), but I have fond memories of coming home from the pool in the summers with tired children who would settle down with a pillow and a blanket in front of the television to watch Mr. Rogers. D would suck her thumb and hold her blanket and it was a complete self-soothing experience for her. I watched the PBS documentary earlier this year and cried like a baby. I expect to do the same whenever I get to see this movie.

I was in Nashville on Sunday with D & SIL for her birthday and we ended up seeing “Solo: A Star Wars Story.” The reason was D told her husband that she really wanted to see Mr. Rogers, but she couldn’t see it with me as it would make her cry more than she might otherwise.

Mr. Rogers seemed boring and so uncool when I was a kid.

I appreciate him so much more now and can’t wait to see the documentary. Talk about using your powers for good!

Although Iiked Mister Rogers as a kid, yes, the parts with Lady Elaine and the puppets gave me the creeps.

Mr. Rogers must have had deep seated sibling issues…looks like he took a flame to the puppet’s cheeks, tip of nose…yes, creepy…

I found Mr Rogers hard to watch but he does seem like a very good and kind person. We loved sesame street, reading rainbow and electric company. Sometimes we’d watch Mr Rogers but not often.

Okay, @JazzyTXMom, that gave me my laugh for the day. Now I might have to see this movie! :smiley:

I could be in a tie for worst mom of century. I never sat with son to watch Mr Rogers, and he had to turn down the sound of the Barney’s theme song. It became a joke between us, but the sugary content of that song would spoil out dinner. Still, I’ll see the documentary

Just saw Incredibles. It was a nice sequel. But I’ll put it this way. I’ve watched the first one perhaps twice since it first hit the theatres. I liked it enough to watch again on TV. I don’t really care if I ever watch this one again.

Although I understand the Mr. Rogers is a good man/role model, I always found him super creepy and didn’t let my kids watch him. But, there were many shows my kids were not allowed to watch that were mainstream viewing for most of their age group.

S1 wasn’t into Mr. Rogers, but S2, my more sensitive and low-key child, was. His soothing, calm demeanor appealed to my son. S2 was also into Barney, which S1 (3 years older) made fun of him for. I think S1 was hoping S2 would reliquish the TV to him.

I was never really a kid during the Mr. Rogers era, and while I appreciated what Sesame Street was doing, Mr. Rogers always seemed like mush to me. In retrospect, I can appreciate the value to young children of the soothing, steady (boring) quality of his persona.

In later years, my wife dealt with Fred Rogers periodically, and then with his foundation, and was completely full of admiration for him – his heart and his brain.

Ali’s Wedding. New Netflix original, excellent. Won lots of awards. I really don’t want to give away anything about the movie. Lots of twists and turns, a true story. Watched it streaming tonight.

Mr. B reported that he watched The Shape of Water on the plane and was glad we did not pay to watch it in the theater. The characters except the two leading female actors (who were wonderful) were so 2D according to him.