Seen any good movies lately?

Saw American Animals. About a robbery at Transylvania Univ but filmed at Davidson College. Unique film with both actors and real life people. I liked it. D who will be going to Davidson this fall enjoyed seeing her new school!

Saw Incredibles 2 with DH for father’s day. Everyone knew going in that Holly Hunter, Craig T Nelson, and Samuel L Jackson would be resuming their roles as the voice actors. DH told me that we did not need to see them in the preview , talking about how they know its been a long time since the first one but they wanted to do it right. DH said “Thankfully the characters have not aged - the actors look decrepit”

Seeing @BunsenBurner’s comment on The Shape of Water has prompted me to ask if anyone has read the book. I saw the audio book in the library and am listening to it now, and it’s wonderful. Apparently, it was written after the movie. Poetic and not two-dimensional at all. I have not seen the move, but will probably rent it when I’m done with the book.

Two- and we don’t go to the theater every year.

The Han Solo movie. Excellent backstory, true to the saga in style and content. Two problems (why we prefer at home viewing)- loud, and a half hour of trailers (should have left home when the movie time started). The movie is rated PG13 and most of the trailers had those violent scenes- those parents who brought young kids… The only movie I would consider will come out in November- about Queen.

I saw Book Club- without H. Excellent chick flick, especially for older women like myself. Nicer to see trailers.

My children didn’t watch Mr. Rogers because it was on in the daytime, and they were in daycare. We had 8 million videos for them to watch in the evening. One did like the Barney singalongs but not the shows. Although one is Disney-crazy, she really preferred ‘real’ movies like Wizard of Oz to animation.

But I have no interest in a movie about Mr. Rogers.

My recent movie was Serena with Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper. Totally weird.

Saw Incredibles 2 today. Enjoyed it but wasn’t wowed by it. It wasn’t as good as the original or deserving of the hype it is getting. The baby is great as is Edna, per usual, just wish the Edna character was a more prominent part of the movie.

I just saw American Animals. I have to say it was one of the best films I’ve seen this year. Very well done, great story. If there was a book, I’d read it today.

If you never saw The Incredibles 1, would you be able to enjoy #2?

I’ve been attending a film festival (in area where we have a vacation home) and have seen some really good films. My favorites do far: Juliet Naked, Boundaries, and Puzzle. Also saw Incredibles 2, which was OK. In addition, we saw a taping of the NPR show “Ask Me Another.” One of the guest panelists was Francois Clemmons, who played the neighborhood police officer on Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood. He was an opera singer who took the job because he needed the money. He’s 73 and still has an amazing voice. The director of Won’t You Be My Neighbor (Morgan Neville) is also speaking here. He directed 20 Feet From Stardom, a dynamite documentary about backup singers in rock groups.

I did not see Incredibles 1 and enjoyed Incrredibles 2.

I’ve been really sick for an entire week since I got back from Prague with a really nasty virus I probably picked up in an airport or airplane. But last night I was feeling well enough to venture from the house for a couple of hours, so DH and I saw Ocean’s 8.

It was entertaining but pretty predictable. This is the first Sandra Bullock movie where I thought she is finally showing her age and evidence of some not so great plastic surgery. Of course she is a beautiful 54 year old, but the stiffness of her mouth and face brought home to DH and me that we are all getting old when Sandra Bullock looks older. Sigh.

It was fun to see James Corden and Rhianna in this film.

I finally saw Coco, now that it is on Netflix. A very good movie.

I was the right age for Captain Kangaroo, personally, but I watched Mr. Rogers with my S. I detested Sesame Street, which seemed to me designed only for those with the attention span of a gnat. I also detest the Muppets. Ugh. Never put those on for him to see. I did like Shining Time Station and Thomas the Tank Engine.

Coco was very well done. I enjoyed watching it on the airplane.

Just came back from Ocean’s 8. Loved it. After all the lukewarm reviews, I almost decided to skip it, but I’m so glad I didn’t. So much fun!

I agree, Ocean’s 8 is fun (although not being able to pin people’s age is very disconcerting).
Saw potato peel literary society - decent, shedding light on forgotten episode in WW2, nice landscapes, good actors, but nothing new in terms of story or storytelling.

Last night I went to the premiere of “Woman Walks Ahead” with Jessica Chastain and Sam Rockwell through a friend in my screenwriting group. It was very well done! If you like a love story intertwined with a carefully observed moment in history, this film’s for you. We got to talk to some of the main actors, including Michael Greyeyes, who played Sitting Bull.

We went to see “American Animals” too and it is a very wel-made and acted movie.
I can’t believe that I have never heard of the rare book heist till now, and it is very shocking to see four seemingly normal young college men would do something this stupid.

We saw Solo (Star Wars) on Monday and Jurassic World II last night. Both were action movies and OK for $7 apiece. Glad we didn’t pay full price! H really wanted to see them. We decided both were better on big screen than airplane.

@makemesmart , would the movie be something you think a college student would enjoy, or is it slow?


Thanks for posting. American Animals is not in my area yet. I hope it doesn’t skip us!