Seen any good movies lately?

It shouldn’t be that tough to get a 17-year-old boy to spend a couple of hours watching Mila Kunis and Kate Mackinnon.

So… if I choose a movie for my birthday tomorrow, do I go with:

The Meg (shark fun - pure fun - no real expectations)
BlackKKlansman (in spite of the language, wanting to see what they portray for history of it all, etc)
Crazy Rich Asians (more pure fun, but a different type than The Meg)?

It will likely be H and youngest son (age 22) with me, though perhaps just H.

Ideally I’d prefer to go kayaking since it’s supposed to be a gorgeous day, but apparently one can’t use their arm quite so much after the medical procedure of Monday (sigh). It’s possible hiking might still happen instead. I have to see what my thoughts are in the morning. In the meantime, I’m really torn between those three options. Google users tend to like them all. Critics, of course, vary, but tend to like the bottom two.

With your 22 year old in tow, go see the Spike Lee movie. It’s good for our young adult kiddos to know our historical ugliness, the relevance to today. It’s the most pithy and could lead to some good post viewing discussion.

CRA is kinda frothy. Meaning, imo, choose different fir two men.

@lookingforward Good to know. Will keep that one for a date night with H unless we end up alone tomorrow. I’m not sure of S’s schedule for the day as of yet.

H and I really enjoyed CRA. Had lots of details per reviews that I missed.

Saw CRA yesterday. Not as good as I had hoped or what the ratings said. Just seemed silly, one dimensional in many ways. It would have been an ok DVD rental,for me.

Opted for BlacKkKlansman yesterday after a 5 1/2 mile hike at Gettysburg’s battlefield. Turned out to be quite a nice birthday for both.

To anyone else who might share my intense distaste for foul language in movies, in this one the words fit the movie rather than being put in “just because.” At least most of them do. Some things you can’t clean up and keep accurate, so we had no problem with it compared to other movies that just turn us completely off due to it.

The lad who went with us has a mixed race fiancee, so it is definitely good for him to get a feel for the insane, dumb, hatred out there both in the past and present. I hope his generation can eliminate it. He felt the movie was quite good too (as did H).

No regrets choosing to watch it. Having just come from Gettysburg’s battlefield, it fit in quite well with our main discussion of the day (all related to “what makes people do certain things in the past and have humans really changed in the present”).

Seeing stupidity hopefully helps end stupidity.

Glad you had a nice birthday, @Creekland, and thanks for your feedback on the movie.

With Crazy Rich Asians, it’s not going to win any awards for storyline - the rich boy poor girl theme has been seen since we were all born. However, from an entertainment value I consider it quite entertaining and from a social statement viewpoint, as an Asian-American male, it is a breakthrough in portraying Asian American males in Hollywood that hasn’t been seen since well, ever. Enough of the martial arts movies or the goofy accented characters. This movie to a large degree righted wrongs that had perpetuated stereotypes of Asian men with the horrible Joy Luck Club movie.

I took D21 to CRA and we both loved it! @ProfessorPlum168 D21 picked up on the Glee guy immediately and predicted a sequel!

I think we have the Asian male and female characters but as individuals. Not just martial arts. I think the interest point in CRA was that all the actors were Asian (or nearly all.)

I found it hard to believe in the character relationships.

Haha in this day and age it’s unbelievable that an economics professor Rachel Chu would have no idea who Nick Young was. Google.

^ I figured that there are lots and lots of “Nick young”'s out there while this particular one likely paid to get all internet traces scrubbed out.

@ProfessorPlum168 , well if anything I wouldn’t mind going to Singapore!

Can’t wait to see Crazy Rich Asians. Somehow, it was off my radar even though I just returned from S’pore last weed. Lots of Kevin Kwan Crazy Rich Asian books at the WH Smith bookstore in Changi Terminal 4. I didn’t know I was missing the bigger picture of the hype since I didn’t know about the movie release.

For all who have mentioned wanting visit S’pore - DO IT!!! I’ve been lucky with multiple trips the last several years. I hope the next visit will be in a couple more months. Very easy place for Americans to feel comfortable.

Is it worth reading the books before seeing the movie or does it not matter?

Heard the books are even better.

I’d see the movie first. The books are much better.

I’d love to go to Singapore just to eat some of the food they showed in the movie…