Seen any good movies lately?

@CALSmom you’re not an Asian man. That’s all I’ll say.

Wait, CRA “showed Asian men…in a very positive light?”

Uh, yes.

Could you take the arguments backchannel please.

I’m trying to get my head around Waverly, June, and Lindo as frail little blossoms. Failing. BTW, June’s father was a perfectly lovely Asian man. The marriages to white men are certainly not portrayed as perfect, far from it, and those men are in no way “saving” their wives.

There is no doubt that CRA has a number of hot, shirtless, Asian men, which was refreshing. Two of them were also nice. I loved Oliver, the “rainbow sheep.”. I guess you aren’t counting the weird doofuses and obnoxious party boys.

My 30 year old daughter raved about "All the boys I’ve loved before " which I finished watching this am- impressed with strong female characters, noticed it was written and directed by women, based on book written by woman.
Agree John Corbett is model father

There are many great movies from Asia, thinking about the many Japanese movies by masters of the past and today, Ozu, Kurosawa, Itami, Miyazaki, Koreeda,…Many of them have influenced western directors old and young. To me, one of the best directors of contemporary Mvoie scenes is none other than Taiwanese American Ang Lee. There are other Asian directors who are pretty active in Hollywood, like Justin Lin, M. Night Shyamalan, Chloé Zhao, as well as CRA’s Jon chu. The difference being CRA might be the first all(most)-Asian cast box-office “blockbuster”, (did “the last Emperor” make lots of $$$? I somehow doubt it). it is not a great movie, but a great entertainment.
To have more Asian actors on screen, it will be helpful to have good screenplays/books that have Asians in them. I am at book 2 of the “Three-body” trilogy and think the books could be made into movies of great fun! They would definitely have tons of roles for Asians. :slight_smile:

I don’t think we ever saw Nick’s father in CRA. I guess he was off earning the millions needed to support the lifestyle. I’m not Asian, but as a rich person, I resent how the rich were potrayed :))

Nick’s dad was in China on business IIRC.

My theory on the dad and why we don’t see him -Do not read below if you have not seen the movie.

Part of the set up for a sequel . The dad is British, white, from a wealthy family, last name Young. His parents disapproved initially of his being with Nick’s mom. Henry Golding is Malaysian and English. The ring in the movie was from the dad’s family. Crazy theory, I know!

To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before will have a sequel!! Netflix hasn’t given the green light yet but the director is already working on the storyline of how Lara Jean and Peter’s relationship functions outside of a contract. :smiley:

That’s it, sevmom! That “Young” name seemed odd.

Young is often an Anglicized version of an Asian name. Do the 3 books give any clue?

@sevmom That theory doesn’t seem likely to me. Nick’s paternal grandmother is Chinese. The family is portrayed as intensely traditional Chinese. Several cast members are multiracial but “passing” for Chinese in the movie, and it doesn’t seem to indicate anything.

I’d be inclined to thing that the father being off on business served to strengthen the focus on the matriarchy and the relationships of the women. The father, interestingly, picked a bride who was not approved by his mother, yet that very bride seems to be totally into preserving the importance of the family above all. One wonders what it was about her that the grandmother found unsatisfactory? Possibly she didn’t come from significant wealth, tuning into Colin and Nick’s conversation about his family approving of Araminta because her family is also crazy rich.

I agree with the Anglicized version of Yung or Yeong or whatever. Especially since the family is “old” money that would have dated back to pre-war possession of Singapore by the British. I haven’t read the books.

“Yang” is a pretty common Chinese surname mainly used for people from Mainland China. According to wiki
Its variants include “Yeung”, “Young”, etc.

Yes, I’m sure you’re right!

Perhaps Crazy Rich Asians can use its own thread since there seems to be much to discuss ? Too many spoilers are ending up in this thread for those who haven’t seen this new movie.

Agree about too many potential spoilers creeping in if not careful. I have more crazy thoughts about the possible Young name origin in all this but will keep them to myself! I haven’t read the book either .But did some googling this afternoon.

I watched an interesting documentary with my D when she was home visiting. Expedition Happiness. It’s about a filmmaker and his musician girlfriend who rehab a school bus, then travel (in the bus) around North America with their dog. My D is a big fan of the tiny house, live-in-a-van lifestyle, so this was an interesting glimpse into that style of living. The couple seemed fairly well-prepared, but also were naive as to obstacles they might encounter, so it was a decent, not rose-colored, portrayal of living in a small space for an extended period of time. Also, the girlfriend wrote music while they traveled and it is featured in the background during their journey. I really enjoyed it.

We saw Mission Impossible Fallout over the weekend based on good reviews from family members and others (Patricia Heaton). I am not a big action movie fan, but did enjoy it, especially when you consider Tom Cruise did virtually all his own stunts which are jaw dropping. Don’t even know how the guy lived through the filming, to be honest. Just good, riveting escapism.