Seen any good movies lately?

Just saw Juliet, Naked and really enjoyed it. Wonderful chemistry - the plot may seem light but it was very well done. Lots of funny moments but some heavier scenes too. Very charming and I would see it again.

Next up, I hope to see The Wife. Glenn Close looks fabulous in the trailer.

A Simple Favor is film noir with twists and turns throughout. Anna Kendrick has lead billing since she’s in every scene. For those who don’t mind spoilers:

Another vote for The Wife, although I could see this working on stage at least as well as on screen.

I want to see Searching, which I heard about from this NPR story last month, As the parent of an Asian American daughter, I’m happy to see the uptick in movies with Asian actors, including Neflix’s To All The Boys I Loved (cute, but I’m sure is much more enjoyable for teens).

@Barbalot we just saw The Wife and my husband thought it felt like a play in some ways. I enjoyed it - I wish the trailer had not shown so much of the movie but that is typical these days. Glenn Close was wonderful.

A Simple Favor was enjoyable. Had me guessing and engaged the entire time, enough that I mindlessly ate too much popcorn!

The Little Stranger is beautifully cast but as a period movie with restrained acting it may not be a popular cuppa tea. If you blinked it probably came and went from your local art house theater.
Equally easy to miss is The Bookshop starring Emily Mortimer who is an actress you may recognize from her many fine small art films.
Narrated by a voice from the past… Julie Christie.

Really enjoyed The Wife. It had more layers than I had anticipated.

I love going out to see a good movie!

Well this was a first for me…Just went to see the Mr. Rogers movie and I was the only person in the theater. It felt a little odd to be honest. But it was a very good movie and I’m glad I went. I have given up on MoviePass and joined the AMC A-list program. Hoping it doesn’t morph into something unusable like MoviePass.

We watched To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before last night on Netflix. (I guess that counts as a movie.) It was charming.

I really liked Juliet, Naked. Based on a book I liked and featuring songs that were a blast from
the past for me. (“Different Drum” by the Stone Poneys and featuring an achingly young LInda Ronstatd, which is the opening song, IIRC, was the first record I ever bought as an 11-year-old and a great choice for the film.)

Saw The Wife and Life Itself this weekend. Recommend both. Watching The Wife, I kept asking myself who the actor playing the son was. Stuck around for the credits and saw it was Max Irons, the son of Jeremy Irons. The younger version of Glenn Close was played by her own daughter, Annie Stark. Life Itself was a little rambling but held my interest.

We finally got around to seeing The Salt of the Earth - a documentary about Sebastiao Salgado - via Netflix. He’s a social documentary photographer - photojournalist and the movie was very sobering considering all he has seen in his life.

The pictures are all black and white. This is fine for people and atrocities, but at the end of the film he had done “Genesis” about the planet and his (successful) attempt to rebuild his family’s part of the rainforest in Brazil. To my eyes, that would have been so much better if he’d done it in color.

Nonetheless, the movie was pretty deep regarding our planet and what people do to other people. My youngest lad watched it with us and saved the DVD to watch with his fiancee this weekend.

Saw A Star is Born, the newest version with Lady Gaga with Bradley Cooper as her co-star and director.
All new songs sung by the leads.
This is the 4th version of the story so if you are a fan of the 1976 movie with Babs and Kris Kristofferson you will definitely want to check the 2018 redo or as a stand alone movie with no past references to the previous versions.

I saw a Star is Born today and really loved it, the story was emotional and Bradly Cooper and Lady Gaga has some great chemistry together. I also loved all the live concert scenes.

After reading so many breathless reviews, D and I were both really disappointed with A Star is Born. It was so slow, way too long, with very little to say. The “live” concert scenes with massive CGI crowds did not impress.The acting was adequate. I shouldn’t have been wondering why Bradley Cooper’s hair always looked unwashed and he always sported a ruddy tan without seeming to spend any time outdoors, but when a movie doesn’t grip me I always get fixated on silly stuff like that. A bit more substantive was the failure to give the viewer any sense of how much time was passing between scenes. I have no idea if Allie’s ascent took place over months or years, or how Jack went from singing to an enormous, adoring crowd in the first scene to unhappily performing for a corporate event seemingly a few weeks later. I was really looking forward to this film, and I’m bummed. Now my hopes rest in First Man.

I haven’t seen A Star is Born, but everything I have read says the concert scenes are real. They were filmed at Glastonbury Festival, Coachella and Stagecoach Festival, where Gaga and Bradley Cooper actually took the stage and performed.

I loved A Star Is Born and thought Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper were great.

Last three movies I watched:

Spotlight - A true story about the Boston Globe reporters who uncovered catholic church’s coverup of child sex abuse. Sickening story, but very well done movie.

Darkest Hour - Story of Churchill’s first four weeks as PM in 1940 - thus changing the course of history. Very well acted, but the story was a little slow and thin. Nonetheless, still very enjoyable

Game Night - A group of friends who meet regularly for game nights unknowingly find themselves in the middle of a real-life mystery. Great cast. Silly, but fun to watch.

I saw A Star is Born last night. I liked it very much. The music was outstanding, and Bradley Cooper surprised me, both as an actor as well as a director. I didn’t think the film was Oscar wonderful, but I can assure you that the film will get recognized by the academy and will take home several trophies.

I was very surprised that Lady Gaga wasn’t billed by her given name (Stefani Germanotta) considering all the hoopla about “stripping down to basics” - to me, that would have been the most basic.

Just saw The Bookshop today. I do love a british film and period piece. It was a little slow in parts.

I feel like they had to cut a lot out of the book it was based on. Felt like there were more back stories that I didn’t understand. But I liked it, much prefer that type of film to a CGI heavy, over produced movie.