Seen any good movies lately?

All my friends who saw A Star is Born on Friday night gave it great reviews, so I saw it last (Saturday) night. It was a very good movie, but the first half was great and the second half lost steam by a lot. I don’t quite get all the adoration it’s getting. …maybe people are wanting to love it, so they do.

First Man got 4 out of 4 stars from my local paper. Any movie about space exploration is welcomed by Mr. B, and a well acted movie about space experience is absolutely a must see.

My daughter suggested Science Fair – it’s a documentary, not a major theatrical release so may be hard to find – but I thought it might appeal to a lot of CC’ers.

Lady Gaga will likely get an acting nod. Charlie is Cooper’s real pet. A little editing would have been nice but they want serious award consideration and stretching it past 2 hours is an unwritten rule.

Ok, saw these movies on plane:

Won’t you be my neighbor (Fred Rogers)—excellent; made me really wish I and my kids could have better tolerated Mr Rogers shows—we never could. The voices set our teeth on edge and storylines just irritated us. We were ok with Sesame Street, electric company and Reading Rainbow but somehow just felt “talked down to” by Fred Rogers. Maybe you had to be in the zone—we just couldn’t watch.

Molly’s Game—gripping and amazing; she’s a fascinating woman! She really did a lot for a young person for many years makes you wonder how her talents can be used for good, if she’s interested. I know she’s a motivational speaker and author. I guess that’s plenty.

Princess & Frog (Disney)—deeper than many prior Disney films; fluffy anyway. It fascinates me that Disney is recognizing women want more than simplistic “happily ever after” stories—a bit more heft.

Other Woman—revenge chick flick, interesting; stereotypic in many ways.

I saw A Star Is Born and thought it was very good. I knew Gaga would be great, but I wasn’t expecting such a wonderful performance from Bradley Cooper.

I agree that it will receive a fair amount of Oscar noms.


Agree. Lady Gaga was wonderful but Bradley Cooper is the one that really surprised me.

@JenJenJenJen A Star is Born lived up to all the hype for me. But I stopped reading about the movie so lots of raves were after we saw it. Great music and impressed with Bradley’s acting and singing. I knew Lady Gaga had incredible talent, check out her singing on Howard Stern studio interviews, chills!

Saw Free Solo last night which documents Alex Honnold’s free solo climb of El Capitan in 2017. Highly recommended, it’s pretty intense. His achievement is truly remarkable and would be hard to pick a greater athletic achievement, anywhere, ever. Really.

We went to see Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper in A Star is Born last night. I never paid much attention to Lady Gaga before—but I will now. She is one talented lady as is Cooper.

Previously saw The Wife, which I enjoyed (Glen Close gives a great performance). I did think it was a bit depressing.

Agree with Free Solo.
Must have been about 50 people in the theater and the collective gasping, sighs of relief and emotional applause at the end added to the experience of seeing the greatest, most epic and astounding athletic feat you will ever see a man do.
Athlete of the All Time.
Do not see how any one person can top him.

@beerme I can’t stop thinking about this movie. Same gasping, exhaling, clapping in our theater of 75ish people. I had assumed crowd would skew younger, but was actually mostly couples, age 50+. At times, I was looking away from the screen because it was too intense (even tho it was a documentary and knew the outcome, lol). H and I talked about the movie multiple times yesterday and will watch again. Also, agree greatest athletic feat ever. What else comes close and is performed with risk of certain death with one small bobble or slip? The filmmakers, Jimmy Chin and his wife, produced another excellent climbing film, Meru.

The emotional toll that the climb took on his inner circle was deftly portrayed.
Wing suit flyers have the same high rate of death with minuscule margins for error…a matter of when they will fatally crash, …but nowhere near the athleticism, strength, stamina of free soloing.
Jimmy Chin and his wife are preeminent in their genre.

Saw a star is born. The person I was with told me when we walked into the theatre “I’ve heard it’s terrible”. It’s not. I haven’t seen the 1954 version but I liked this one, except for the dramatic event at the end. The music supposed to be good sounded good to me (not ‘fake but for the movie only, suspend dibelief, good’ but ‘could be recorded and successful’ good) and even a music doofus like me could tell when the music was supposed to be bad. :wink: I liked seeing the backstage of concerts and Bradley Cooper was excellent at portraying a kind of absolute solitude and delight at finding a peer.

For some reason, we’ve been on a movie roll lately.

  • A Star is Born ...agree with many previous comments: Gaga is amazing and Cooper surprisingly good.
  • Colette .... If Kiera Knightly not nominated for Best Actress, then there must be some ultra fabulous performances coming. Based on life of author French author Colette. Superb costuming as well.
  • An Old Man and A Gun. Another based on true story of guy who escaped San Quentin and more. Redford and Spacek are charming....but movie dragged.
  • First Man. Gosling is great. Brought back lots of memories of that time period. Movie could have been edited down a bit. Extremely the point that I really felt like I was in that space capsule, hitting g-force and getting queasy!
  • The Hate U Give. A must see for all. Excellent cast. Addresses issues of racism, police violence, white privilege, black anger, family love.

Finally saw “All the Money in the World.” It was very moving and troubling. It was sad to see that the young guy’s life was so affected for life by the kidnapping.

On a lighter note, saw Paddington2 (also on the plane).

We saw A Star is Born this evening. I thought it was great. Super performances by all concerned, the music was real and wonderful. Also, I found out that Charlie the charming dog actually is Bradley Cooper’s dog. :slight_smile:

Also saw Agatha Christie’s Crooked House. It was well acted.

Just watched Generation Wealth, a documentary film I bought on Amazon video. Very interesting, with much food for thought.

Loved “Science Fair”–go see it if you find it. Saw “A Star Is Born” the same day, and actually preferred 'Science Fair!"