Seen any good movies lately?

We saw Bohemian Rhapsody and really enjoyed it. It is not an Oscar contender (perhaps for Remi Malek?) and it was a pretty ordinary telling of the band’s history. But Remi Malek’s acting will make you think you are watching the real Freddie Mercury. And it’s great story (even if they dramatized some things). And the music is fabulous of course!

I understand why some critics panned it, but it was an engaging afternoon of movie-watching for me.

I loved “Bohemian Rhapsody,” too. It made me miss Freddie Mercury and his music. His death was heartbreaking - only 45 years old!

I’m watching 'The Post" on DVD. It is very timely, for personal reasons (the treatment of women) and political ones.

@Nrdsb4 : “… a very interesting look at foreign dubbing artists. They are truly artists…”

Wow, I would love to see that. I like your other entry as well.

Are you familiar with a website called ‘mubi’? While I have yet to take advantage of my subscription to another service which provides me access to mubi’s offerings of film festival screenings and cult- as well as classic- classics, I’m thinking they might have something to offer you.

BlackKKKlansman was good, pretty powerful. Based on a true story.

Just saw “Boy Erased”. Very powerful movie.

I enjoyed Bohemian Rhapsody. I forgot how much I loved the music.

Fun fact from making of Halloween documentary:

The film allegedly takes place in Ohio, at the end of October. It was actually filmed in southern CA. To make it look like fall on their insanely cheap budget ($300K), they used 3 trashbags full of painted leaves, which they would blow around with fans in the outdoors scenes. When the director yelled “cut,” everyone (actors included) would run around frantically, picking up the leaves to use for the next shot.

Loved Bohemian Rhapsody. Amazing how they made such great albums without the technology of today.

Now I’m reading Freddie’s biography…

I loved Bohemian Thapsody so much that I’ve seen it twice already and I’m currently at hour 5 of rewatching the Live Aid DVD.
I’m feeling very nostalgic.

@Nrdsb4 , that’s an interesting story! I JUST watched the original Halloween with my kids and we (as Ohioans) commented about how they are all frolicking about on Halloween with just sweaters on…let’s just say we WISH it was that warm at the end of October! But I have to say we didn’t notice that the leaves were fake, or I imagine a lack of color on the trees? I think I would love that documentary.

Late to the party on this one, but A Star is Born was fabulous. Fabulous performances all around, fantastic music. I predict Oscar noms are ‘likely’, not a ‘reach’

Thanks for the recommendations for Bohemian Rhapsody, which prompted me to see it despite mediocre press reviews. I really enjoyed it. Part of the soundtrack of my high school years.

H and I saw Bohemian Rhapsody yesterday and really enjoyed it. D2 saw it with friends and also loved it. We have all decided we need to re-watch our Live Aid DVD’s!

I saw Bohemian Rhapsody last night. I thought it was very good. The underscore was so well done.

we saw Bohemian R. – i must have slept through live aid as i have no recollection of it. But my DH remembers it all, and looked up video from it, and it’s amazing how the movie so accurately re-enacts Live Aid! you can barely tell the difference. He loved the movie and the music – i liked it!

Just saw RBG. Really enjoyed it!

We just saw Bohemian Rhapsody and loved it, Always loved Queen growing up and I remember watching Live Aid. We just decided to go back and see it again this Tuesday since that’s our last school day of the week. Our son couldn’t go this past week he was finishing his IB extended essay!

I just saw Instant Family, about fostering and adoption. I only went to be a friend , but it was better than my expectation

I sincerely hope it encourages people to become foster parents. One thing I learned is that fostering works best when you take in siblings. They also showed the kids moving their belongings in trash bags. It made me feel good that our book club heard about this from 2 moms who established a charity group, and we collected MANY suitcases from ALFs and SNFs to donate to this group.

I saw Green Book yesterday. Run, do not walk, to see this film. It’s based on true events and was laugh out loud funny and cry out loud sad. The theater erupted in applause at the end, sat through the credits, and applauded again when they finished. I believe it could sweep the Academy Awards.