Self-reporting schedule?

<p>For the UW-M app, I noticed there's a page where you have to report your senior schedule. On the UIUC app, they wanted exact course names (i.e. ENG-31H instead of Honors English year 3). Does it matter what form you report the course name in for the uw-m app?</p>

<p>It may be easiest to report the title your school uses so UW (btw- adding an “M” means Milwaukee) can figure it out if it happens to have a reference about your school. You may spell out English and Honors to make it obvious what the ENG and H stand for. It probably doesn’t really matter- just so they know the typwe and caliber of courses. It seems surprising to be taking year 3 of English as a senior…</p>

<p>I’m not, that was just an example of a course name that may not even exist. Thanks!</p>