<p>I think the statements that precede this would be more appropriate if applied to socio-economic groups. And if different racial groups require different means to ensure success, then Asians should be getting different treatment than whites and East Indians, right? As for the rest of that paragraph, I’m not sure I agree. I say provide equal support for all groups and let the hard-working, intelligent, deserving individuals (w/o regard to race) rise to the top. There’s ample support through TA’s, professor accessibility, small recitations, low level workshops, advisors, peer advisors, etc… for any intelligent person to succeed. </p>
<p>Thank you for bringing this up. I think stereotypes are, in general, based on AVERAGES. But averages NEVER apply to individuals in a given group. I’m glad you didn’t just write off group average differences altogether. In fact, I think it’s central to your argument. </p>
<p>Your second example is on the basis of biology. Hepatitis is more prevalent amongst Latinos than, let’s say lower class whites, because of a biological propensity. It’s relevant to the discussion of group average differences, but not the cultural similarities that manifest amongst racial groups. (Now, if you were to argue that whites, Asians, and blacks have a propensity towards certain personality traits, then I’m willing to listen. I doubt you’d support the contention that hair texture, skin color, and facial topography have a strong correlate with average personality traits. However, if you’d go that route, I’d concede the argument. Your claims, while I’m not sure of their veracity, would be logically consistent (i.e. Asian people want to hang w/ other Asians b/c on average they share similar, biologically dependent personality traits). Nonetheless, I don’t think you’re going there, so that was just an interesting aside).</p>
<p>But here’s my problem. I don’t think blacks, coming from a range of countries, cultures, and socioeconomic levels, are more like each other than other races who share all those characteristics except race (i.e. rich French white is most similar to rich French black). I’d say your argument has much more merit if applied to socioeconomic groups, such as placing lower class persons in a program house. The term Oreo for blacks, Twinkies for Asians, etc… exist because of the phenomenon of noting a minority mimicking the cultural qualities of his peers/economic class. </p>
<p>In fact, I think (as stated previously) that these program houses perpetuate stereotypes, that being black is one certain thing and not simply a group of alike looking individuals. I was privy to this one day walking down main campus. I came upon the most suburban looking black person I’d ever seen, clearly well to due and educated. He is leaving a group of friends and as he’s leaving, he adopts the most obviously fake Ebonics accent and says, “Ima holla at y’all lata.” I laughed because ideas like the program houses and diversity programs have inundated him with the idea that there’s an authentic blackness, that despite growing up in a presumably middle-class, mainstream environment, he feels he’s under obligation to adopt foreign societal constructs. </p>
<p>OK, but in majors such as electrical engineering, whites are surely a minority. Why aren’t whites in these majors offered extra support?</p>