Self study for physics next year?

<p>What's best book out there to help me out?</p>

<p>Princeton Review is awesome for Physics B</p>

<p>hey im confused about something:</p>

<p>Next year I'm taking physics at my school but I want to review in the summer for it. What book should i get for THAT. not necessarily for AP exam but to LEARN physics.
2nd question if I do take the AP exam what would i take? the Physics A one or the B and C one?</p>

<p>Right now i'm gonna do:
SAT: big blue book
AP English Lang: Cliffnotes
Physics: PR</p>

<p>There is no Physics "A" Exam.</p>

<p>Physics B is Noncalculus physics and covers more, and Physics C is two exams Mechanics and "Electricity and Magnetism" that involve calculus.</p>

<p>ok wow thanks for the help lol</p>