Semester at Stanford/Wharton/MIT

<p>I just finished my freshman year at Williams, and am starting to think about my junior year abroad plans. I'd originally planned to study at LSE (London School of Economics), but the program conflicts with the possibility of a post-junior year summer internship (because it goes until almost July), so I had to abandon that plan. Right now I am thinking of studying a semester at UCL in London and then doing a semester at another U.S. University with a larger economics department/business so that I would get the chance to study in London and also study at a big-name economics program. I was wondering if anyone knew if their were "study abroad" options at schools like Stanford, Wharton, MIT, UChicago, that would be open to students from other U.S. universities. I know back in the day (1980's), my mom spent a semester at Berkely (from Williams), but had to get permission through the Williams study abroad program and actually did it as a transfer (transferred to Berkely and back to Williams the next semester), and they assured that she'd be re-admitted. So I could do that if I had to, though it'd be much nicer if the universities I'm looking at actually had a program to make it easier/more ethical.</p>