Send letter to admission officers?

Hello everyone!
Hopefully you guys are relaxed since you guys (should have) submitted your UC application.
My stress has now gone down (just a bit) but I am wondering if I should send a letter to the UC admission officers.
As a fun little assignment in my english class, we just wrote a letter to the dean of admissions saying why we want to go their university and why we are a great fit for it. We did this assignment just for fun, as we were not actually going send these letters. But after my teacher read mine, she said it was perfect and genuine. Even after I read, I was surprised by how good it was. Should I attempt to send this letter to the admissions officers of the campuses I applied to?
Thanks for the responses in advance.

Better to include it as part of your “Why X University” essay. At large universities adcoms will likely not consider an extra letter or email.

Since you posted this in the UC forum, do no send any documentation beyond what is needed or asked for by the UC’s.