Sending improved ACT score?

<p>After improving my score by 2 point this past ACT, I figure I should send it to all my colleges... but the fact that I have already been accepted and given a merit scholarship at most will I gain anything from sending the new score?</p>

<p>You might recieve more in merit aid with the higher score.</p>

<p>If some of your schools have a merit “chart” that says this person with this GPA and this ACT gets this much money, you could see a couple thousand more in merit money.</p>

<p>ex. 3.4 GPA with 28 ACT gets 8,5000/year from Luther College
or see [Freshman</a> Undergraduate Admission](<a href=“]Freshman”></p>

<p>Hopefully some of your schools are like these :)</p>