<p>I remember going through the process to send my SAT scores, including putting in payment information and all. However, when I went through that process, it didn't show any colleges when I went to see where my scores were sent, and now, about a week later, it's the same. Will I only be able to see colleges under "see sent scores" after they've actually been sent, in a few weeks probably, or will there be a place where I can see that I've at least placed the order to make sure that it went through.</p>
<p>You should be able to see it. You should also have gotten a confirmation e-mail. Wonder if it did not go through for some reason. You can also check with credit card company to see if there was a charge.</p>
<p>Thanks- looks like it didn’t go through. Just did it again and got a confirmation e-mail this time.</p>