Sending scores

<p>I have taken both the SAT and SATIIs once before, and just took 3 SAT IIs today. If I have not sent any scores to schools yet and want them to receive the scores from today, will I have to wait until they are if I go to to send scores, will they only get the ones that have already been scored?</p>

<p>In order for the tests you took today to arrive to colleges in january, you have to update your score recipients on your admissions ticket. you have until dec 15 to edit your ticket, so dont worry.</p>

<p>but it has to be on score recipients, otherwise it wont arrive in time for admissions.
[SAT</a> Scores - View SAT Scores - Send Score Reports](<a href=“College Board - SAT, AP, College Search and Admission Tools”>SAT Scores – SAT Suite | College Board)</p>

<p>okay got it, i forgot that you can send scores right away to additional schools along with the 4 free ones…thanks…and they will get all of my sat/sat II scores ever taken right?</p>

<p>yup, good luck</p>