<p>Current Senior Year Courseload:
- AP Literature
- AP Biology
-- Multivariable Calculus 3 or AP Computer Science? (Calc 3- hard teacher, tough grader & I already have 1 C on my report card and I can't afford another bad grade MP1 of Senior Year, I can guarantee a good grade in Comp Sci) - I can also opt to take Calc 3/ Linear Algebra/ Differential Equations online through JHU.
-- another question if I was to take APCS & a course online through JHU which of the 3 maths would be most helpful, I would be interested in any of them!
-- AP Psych or AP Physics C? (I like both so which one would be most beneficial to me?)
- Art (yeah... I know I messed up)
- other required courses for Seniors in my Math/ Science HS Program. </p>
<p>calc 3 by far, calc is so enlightening</p>
<p>but if you decide not to, diff eqs would probably be quite limited or impossible without calc 3 and linear algebra is quite different from calc I’d say so go with lin alg</p>
<p>What’s your planned major? If it’s Computer Sci related then I’d say go for APCS otherwise just do Calc</p>
<p>Planned major: Neuro
(I also think APCS would be helpful as a girl) </p>
<p>honestly apcs is very limited, but if you want the credit for it I suppose</p>
I took differential equations before multivariable calculus and it was fine. It depends on where you’re taking it, though, so the OP should check to see what the prerequisites for differential equations are.
Linear algebra, but there’s no reason to spend a bunch of money on online classes that probably won’t transfer to a college anyway. </p>