<p>Im a direct admit in kelley, would i still be ok for admission if i got a D in an AP Calc class? I have 3 other APs and 1 regular class and have Bs in all of those. Its not bad enough to get my admission withdrawn right?</p>
<p>you’ll be fine. I had a horror story second semester when I switched trig teachers after the first semester and the class moved to a 7AM everyday. And the teacher couldn’t speak english well. I got an F in the class hahah.</p>
<p>I have heard 2 stories of people being direct admits and getting bad grades senior year. Their direct admit status was switched so they had to get a certain gpa for the first two semesters of college and they would be guarenteed admission to Kelley. I would call the office of admissions and make sure.</p>
<p>i was told that one D will not affect my admission status as long as everything else is mostly Bs or higher</p>