Senior HSLers

<p>Will you still frequent HSL with your presence, or will it disappear from your life the moment you go to college?</p>

<p>I’m hoping the latter.</p>

<p>Probably College Life…might occasionally grace you all with my presence</p>

<p>I’ll probably still frequently be on HSL… But I’ll also go to CL.</p>

<p>this place is better than college life anyway</p>

<p>a lot more chill and fewer actual problems</p>

<p>I’ll probably leave cc altogether and maybe keep in touch with a few people on here, nothing more. I think my activity on certain other forums will increase, but on this forum (and on others) I’ll vanish forevaaar…</p>

<p>Yeah, hopefully I’ll never look at CC again, lol.</p>

<p>probably yeah</p>

<p>It pretty much disappeared from my life when I got into my senior year. I was the most active poster on here for a long time.</p>

<p>^ Hence the 2700 posts?</p>

<p>^ ThisCouldBeHeavn, is CC your heaven? lol</p>

<p>Yes, hence the 2700 posts in about 1 year and a half.</p>

<p>uh oh</p>




<p>Ironic. ten</p>

<p>Shame that I’m still on here. Oh well, I only get on like once a week at most when I’m actually at college.</p>

<p>i will be done when i get to yale. i hope. =]</p>



<p>And for a second I was wondering why someone that signed up in September would write that.</p>

<p>^ I’m still wondering. Did he have a Spring admission?</p>

<p>I hope that I won’t come here anymore, but I think I probably will.</p>

<p>Nah it’s called being banned numerous times brah.</p>

<p>^ Ah, that would explain it. It seems to me that a lot of people here have been banned at one time or another.</p>