<p>So, I'm sure a lot of you do Senior Projects, but for those of you who don't, here's what they are: Every Senior picks something that they are intersted in and the do a report, a project, and presentation on it. It is a graduation requirement and the English Final at my school. I have no idea what to do.
My intrests are animals, especially dogs, genetics, music, and reading. Any ideas on what I could do? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.</p>
<p>you can track the lineage of types of dogs.</p>
<p>Do you have any careers in mind? Take that and go with it. You can intern somewhere or shadow somebody and write a paper on it and what you gained from the experience. Like let’s say if you want to be a lawyer, you could shadow one for a day. That way, you can also truly get a feel of what it is you want to do.</p>
<p>I don’t know, sorry if it’s a bad idea.</p>
<p>^^^ hey dont be hard on yourself, it sounds like a good idea to me.</p>
<p>I would say intern at a vet’s office, if your into animals.</p>
<p>Thanks guys. I really like both of your ideas. I think I’ll talk to some vets to see if I can shadow them, and do my paper on dog lineages of dog breeds.</p>