senior schedule

<p>Will it look bad to vt that im not taking a math my senior yr? i was in calc but it was too much so i dropped(wont show on my transcript though). I have already taken precalc and i still have 3 other ap classes and physics(which is kinda mathish). </p>

<p>3.75 w gpa
1290 sat</p>

<p>How many math classes have you taken? If its four thats all they'll care about; they probably won't even notice you didn't take it senior year.</p>

<p>hi glfr4life,
I know my son dropped an Organic chem elective his last term senior year. This was after he had been accepted though. He called VT before dropping and they told him that he had fufilled their science requirement (I think science courses were 3 classes, 2 with labs) and it was okay with them. </p>

<p>Hi Chuy, Getting ready for your Thanksgiving break?? Hope you enjoy your time off. Son is home now and enjoying his.</p>

<p>I'm coming back after the game today. I'd have been home Thursday if it wasn't for this game, haha.</p>

We'll be watching that game and cheering with you. We are all geared up in VT clothing and have the keys ready to shake! Very cold up here today, which means Blacksburg is probably the same. Bundle up for that game and don't be one of those crazy no shirt/painted torso fans!! Hope you have good seats and enjoy that game. Go Hokies!!</p>