Senior school? What is this crap :\

<p>Ok so I just got accepted into my #1 choice school - iup (Indiana university of Pennsylvania) and I was just thinking some things over regarding my senior grades. I didn't have any for 6 weeks! This is what happened:</p>

<p>My school district went on strike because they don't want to pay extra for healthcare or something dumb like that and because seniors need to graduate on time, they had all of us come in during the strike and we were taught by principals. And we had field trips every other day (literally, we had 2 field trips per week). Well our school was on strike for 6 weeks but we went to senior school for about 3 or 4 of those weeks. Now we're back in class but there's talk of another strike occuring soon (the law is they can only go 6 weeks, then wait a month, then strike again) but the thing that's worrying me is, well, me. I always do awful in the beginning of each quarter. Right now I'm failing trig (but I just brought it up a TON by going in after school, studying, etc) and even though it's a 57 now, I should be able to get it up to a high D or low C (these aren't my final grades so if I do stellar in the next two quarters I should be ok. All colleges see after accepting you is final grades, right?) - so this isn't what I'm worries about too much, although it is kinda gnawing at the back of my head that I'm failing math.</p>

<p>But what is making me worried is this final semester. It's only going to be like 4 weeks long, minus days for graduation practice, 'senior' finals, yearbooks, it's like yeah we have a 4th nine weeks but not really.</p>

<p>My grades are pretty similar to my transcript but a little lower. Mostly Bs. A C in honors environmental. A lower trig grade, but I'm not failing. My average grade will most likely be a C in trig. I can't really see me being rescinded just because it's a state school and not too demanding. Also my major is deaf education, one that only about a dozen people take per graduating class. So I have something that helps me stick out at least. </p>

<p>Anyways, is my future really depending on a couple weeks worth of work? Say I screw up a quiz in the last quarter. With only 2 weeks of other grades in there, it might look like I ended the year with a 30% or something! Like, getting that acceptance letter was huge for me,especially because it took me 4 months to get my 1st quarter grades sent out because of the strike, but at the same time I just feel like I'm going to screw myself over with this extra junk from this stupid strike! Ahhhhhh</p>

<p>If your counselor is also one of the strikers you might have to ask one of the principals to do it, but someone certainly can let Indiana U of PA know what is going on at your high school. Since this situation is not your fault, I am certain that it won’t be a problem.</p>