Senior Year Classes

<p>Hi all,
I'm currently a high school junior and I'm facing a bit of a dilemma concerning next year. I've taken 2 classes at a nearby, highly-ranked LAC and would like to take two more next year. However, I also would like to take AP Bio and possibly physics (not AP, school doesn't offer), and although I'm not sure yet, I think I will have to choose two out of the three, due to scheduling (the college's schedule does not line up with my high school's, so more than 1 free period is typically required to take a class there). The colleges I'm looking into include places such as Davidson, Middlebury, Haverford, and Wesleyan, and I'm wondering whether it would be better to forgo the college classes or one of the sciences, and if so, which one--if it matters, I don't plan to major in any science. Basically, I'm wondering which of my options would be considered more rigorous by the aforementioned schools and similarly selective ones. Any advice would be appreciated.</p>