Senior Year Grades

<p>During my senior year, I’ve been taking 4 AP classes, one regular (Anatomy), and am a TA during one period. </p>

<p>And because I have so many extracurriculars, my grades aren’t that great. I have B’s in all of my AP classes (I’m going to try my best to raise them up, but it’s very unlikely now that it’s the end of the semester), and I MAY get a C in AP Calc (I’m going to study my butt off to prevent this though, but my teacher is a REALLY hard grader on exams). </p>

<p>If I got all B’s in my classes, that would put me off at a 3.0 unweighted GPA and if I got one C, that would put me at a 2.8 GPA. </p>

<p>I would definitely not be getting any D’s or F’s but could this greatly impact and possibly revoke my admission?</p>

<p>What about your Anatomy class? Are you getting an A in that? Because that would balance out your potential “C” in Calculus and still give you an unweighted 3.0. Not sure if they would revoke an offer based on the UW Gpa of under 3.0 when you have all of those AP’s but I would work very hard to pull at least a B- in Calc or an A in Anatomy.</p>

<p>The thing is, I WOULD be getting an A in anatomy if I hadn’t taken AP Chem for a month and a half, gotten a C+ in it, and transferred to anatomy with that grade, even if it was just a regular class. </p>

<p>My grade in anatomy will probably remain a B no matter how hard I try now. I would have an A if my teacher wouldn’t have put I got C’s on easy assignments.</p>

<p>If you still have time then you should try your hardest to get a B in Calc or if any of your AP grades are borderline A/B then ask your teachers what you can do to raise them to an A. If one A will balance out the C in Calc for your UW gpa. I think you will be ok though. Just don’t get anything less than a C. Good luck!</p>

<p>Are your B’s solid? Or are they B+s?</p>

<p>They’re pretty solid.</p>

<p>I hope you manage to get your grades up. You might want to get a tutor to help you with final exams that are approaching soon. Good luck! :]</p>

<p>Better stop browsing the forum and get studyin, BOHY!!</p>