<p>So... right about now senioritis is kicking in real bad - and i dont feel like doing anything. </p>
<p>Heres my situation: My Cumulative GPA is 3.7 (Never gotten a C)...I've applied to nine colleges (Vanderbilt, Villanova, Bucknell, Lafayette, Lehigh etc...) all were rd so not sure of decisions yet. The only school i'v gotten into is my state school - honors program. I'm failing AP Calculus (with a 0%, and we've had 6 hw's and 1 quiz) - B's and A's in all other classes currently.</p>
A. How bad would failing a class really be?
B. How likely is being revoked from somewhere after getting in? What does it take to get revoked?
C. How can i get rid of senioritis?</p>
<p>How is A even a question? If you get an F, it’s pretty easy to get rescinded. You’re not even trying! “Senioritis” is not an excuse many colleges care for, because most if not all people get intense cases of senioritis, and still manage to keep up their gpa. If you’re not motivated now, how do you think you’ll be when you’re in a college environment, surrounded by fun stuff to do, with more homework than you have now?</p>
<p>Strategies for you: stop using senioritis as an excuse not to do stuff, think about how screwed you’ll be if your acceptance is rescinded.</p>
<p>A. VERY bad. Like, really.
B. very likely if you fail; most colleges say that “staying safe” means getting no lower than a B (or C…depends on the school).
C. TRY. Think about what will happen if you don’t stop being lazy. AKA you won’t be going to college next year. Or at least not one you want to go to. I’m a senior and fully feel the need to give in and let senioritis control me, but I don’t because it’s more important to get my work done so I can relax later on!</p>
<p>Yeah… If you’re expecting somone to tell you that failing a class (especially when you have a 0%) isn’t going to be a big deal, then I don’t know why you even posted here. I know it’s hard to convince yourself to try, but you NEED to improve your grade. Ask for some help from your teacher, promise yourself to finish your h/w before watching tv, do whatever it takes to improve that grade. Otherwise the hard work you’ve put forth the past 3 and a half years may be for nothing.</p>
<p>If AP calc is anything like the math classes at my school, hw is only a small part of the grade, so if you do well on the rest of the tests/quizzes for this quarter and do lots of hw, it should be easy to bring it up to a C (assuming you have enough tests/quizzes left). I guarantee you NO college will rescind your admission for a single C.</p>