<p>just got into Swarthmore. I am so ecstatic; it was definitely one of my top schools. Only 8 more to go!...!(it's like a taylor series :-P)</p>
<p>I got into Swarthmore and Williams! Yay!</p>
<p>Amherst, Williams, UCLA, and UNC-CH
also got a likely letter from Columbia and Dartmouth.</p>
<p>Wow I feel so stupid now...</p>
<p>Congrats, people!</p>
Tulane (EA)
Tufts (ED I) - ATTENDING! :)</p>
<p>Pratt (writing program)</p>
<p>WAHHH! Waitlisted at WashU yesterday even though I visited. Accepted at MIT today!</p>
Amherst, Williams, UCLA, and UNC-CH
also got a likely letter from Columbia and Dartmouth.</p>
<p>And MIT!</p>
<p>Accepted to Bentley and DU!</p>
<p>Still waiting for Bates, Colby and Franklin and Marshall.</p>
<p>Accepted: MIT, RPI, Ithaca, UConn
Waiting on: Brown, Harvard, JHU, Yale, Tufts, Conn College, UConn, BC, BU</p>
<p>Accepted: Wisconsin-Madison, UMass- Amherst (honors program), NYU, American</p>
<p>Still waiting on: Barnard, USC, GW</p>
<p>Accepted: rutgers pharmacy, swarthmore</p>
<p>Waiting on: columbia, cornell, brown, john hopkins, georgetown, tufts, boston college</p>
<p>is it true that acceptances are usually mailed out before rejections?</p>
<p>2 for me...
Emory (Scholars Finalist: Interviews start Wednesday)
Duke (Robertson Finalist)</p>
<p>AndreaMSkate: It seems to be that way...but don't quote me on it.</p>
<p>would you mind saying ed or ea or ed2 just for us that are using this as a way to see which schools are sending out notifications? cause ea and ed we already know about. it is the rd we are all waiting for.</p>
<p>so far i have gotten in to Michigan, U of I, UT Austin, UW madison,
U of Miami. I'm waiting on UNC, UVA,USC and Berkely. If I get into the BHP at Texas it could be my choice (also great campus and music sceen)</p>
<p>accepted: Miami (of ohio) honors programs WooHoo! :p</p>
<p>Actually Shiba, I just received an email(I've been so anxious, I had to email them) from the director of admissions of my first choice school, saying all acceptance letters (except early writes, obviously) are mailed on March 29. So more acceptances will be coming in early April too...I just hope one of them is for me.</p>