<p>michigan man, no question</p>
<p>ananomous, they do understand that internationals are at a disadavantage when it comes to the language but 460 is a bit too low to be honest. I think they're looking for something around 550. Unless you can demonstrate your capability with the language through your essays, that 460 will hurt you a lot.</p>
<p>okay I have heard from and gotten into
Oberlin, Swarthmore, Wesleyan and Williams
Still waiting on
Amherst, Kenyon, Pomona and Wellesley</p>
<p>Lehigh University (and with a scholarship! who saw that coming?)
University of Maryland, College Park
American University
Ithaca College</p>
<p>It's so funny how long this thread is... everyone needs an outlet to brag about their acceptances!</p>
<p>I believe that my 267/300 computer-based toefl might help as well, at least i hope so.</p>
<p>I got 30 out of 30 in the toefl writing section!!!</p>
<p>I dont think my language is bad, I am just bad at taking the SAT, since my school follows the british curriculum.</p>
<p>Anyway, congrats on all of you that got accepted to such great universities.</p>
<p>Idk I really don't think internationals are at that much of a disadvantage. I know someone who lived in Korea for his life and got 1540 old SAT. I myself have lived in Korea for most of my life about 10-11 years and I got 1530 old SAT. SAT is totally coachable and if you study it you can raise your score up just crazy. Maybe it's because korea has more opportunities than where you live but I just think that with a good vocab list and a good prep book and practice you can ace the SAT whether you are international or domestic.</p>
<p>Rutgers; Drexel; and Temple</p>
<p>got into U Mass
Michigan State and Towson</p>
<p>Case Western
<p>Northeastern, UMass Amherst, Hofstra and Rutgers so far...</p>
<p>Shiba411: As a die hard Northern East coaster, I would attend Fordham or 'Nova. I got a scholarship to NEU too, but going there is A LOT of work and money, so I've pretty much ruled it out. However, everyone I know who goes there LOVES it and a lot of my friends are headed there. I also just want to give you a heads up that Fordham is in an uglier part of Queen and it's nothing like Manhattan. I looked there and didn't bother applying but I still think its a great school. Good Luck with your decision!</p>
<p>University of Oregon Honors (my safety) and Grinnell! so far. At this point, I'm pretty much headed to Grinnell, unless I somehow get accepted to Yale (highly unlikely) and then actually have to make a decision.</p>
<p>So far I've heard from and been accepted by(!):
Carleton, Colby, Macalester, University of Puget Sound, Wellesley
Still need to hear from:
Bowdoin, Kenyon</p>
<p>uc irvine, uc davis, uc santa barbara, uc santa cruz, san diego state, san jose state, cal poly slo</p>
UC Davis
<p>Pending (waiting for rejection letter...):
<p>Will be attending:
UC Davis!!!</p>
<p>Oklahoma City University, My first choice YAY!</p>
<p>Boston University!</p>
<p>UMass Honors Program and Skidmore so far...I'm waiting on several more. Those are safeties..</p>
<p>okay I've heard from one more:</p>
<p>UMass Amherst Honors Program, Skidmore, and BU...that's all my safeties. So I'm still wicked nervous about the remaining few.</p>