Sensitive question?

<p>I know that this is a little sensitive, so please don't come back and be like "you shouldn't worry about it RIGHT NOW"....because I know that, but it still doesn't help my problem.</p>

<p>I was accepted to VT, and it's my second choice right now--right below Cornell. (I could still pick vt if the FA is good enough). Anyway, last week I emailed them because I have yet to recieve my FA packet, and they said it would be in the mail by the end of the week. I still don't have it, and no, it's not on my application status page. </p>

<p>I need to find out about my packet, because it's the only thing holding me back from accepting another offer, but there is no way that I'd bother them with my phone calls/emails in a time like this. Maybe I could get an extention (past may 1) from cornell and Vt? I really don't know what I should do, but I can't really contact them right now. Any suggestions?</p>

<p>Give it a couple more days. If they didn't mail it until Friday, it might still be in the mail. If you don't have it by Thursday, call and get them to fax you a copy of your FA report.</p>

<p>I think it would be appropriate to call them tomorrow. Slowly, things will have to get back to "normal", and the administrative folks will be back to work on Wednesday.</p>

<p>Thanks so much--I'll give it another day or two--but I'll definitely call by friday if it doesn't show up.</p>

<p>Don't ask Cornell for an extension...just go ahead and take it if you don't get the FA info from VT.</p>

<p>I think, under the circumstances, if you CAN'T get the information you need in time, Cornell will give you a little more time.
And if they don't...that isn't the sort of place you want to be...</p>

<p>Cornell's admissions people would almost certainly give you an extension, BUT you need to realize that May 1 is also Cornell's deadline for signing up for housing, and it's doubtful whether Cornell can delay its complex and time-consuming housing assignment procedure for one person. </p>

<p>If you don't hear from VT in the next few days, I think it would be prudent to accept Cornell's offer. But remember, if you hear from VT later and would prefer to go to VT, you can always withdraw from Cornell. You only lose your deposit. This is what people on waiting lists do. They accept an offer from a school that accepted them and send in a deposit, while simultaneously remaining on another college's waiting list. If they get into the other college from the waitlist, they withdraw from the school they already accepted.</p>

<p>oh ok. I wondered how that worked for people on the waiting list. Thanks, really, you all for your help.</p>