September ACT Scores Release Date

The ACT has given a wide range of dates when the scores could be out (September 20, 2016–November 4, 2016). Are scores usually posted closer to the beginning or the end of this range? I’m applying early to a college so my materials have to be in by November 1st…

They usually come out the first day (September 20th in this case). If you don’t get them, then they will probably come later that week or the next. I’ve never gotten my composite score later than a week after the initial release day. The writing takes a week or two longer.

@toolegittoquit great, thanks!

Guys can anyone explain to me what the difference between registered and tested is?

@Suk2001 When you are registered to test, your status is “registered” on the score report page. When they have received and processed your scores, the status turns to “tested.” So, if your status is tested you know that you will see your scores at the next release time.

They release scores in batches. Some received it already. Others should be released this week. The essay score will come out much later.

Oh darn, mine still says registered :((((((

Mine still says Registered as well :frowning: When will the next batch be uploaded? This wait is painful…

Did you take the essay portion? I didn’t and received my score earlier this afternoon.