<p>My d took the ACT test in September. Has anyone been successful actually viewing the results on the early viewing site?</p>
<p>Yes, DS viewed his yesterday afternoon.</p>
<p>Thanks Kat......we will keep trying. Hope your s did well.....</p>
<p>This is the message we have received.......</p>
<p>There are no scores for you from the September 24, 2005 national administration. It takes longer for some scores to become available. Scores will be added weekly throughout processing as quickly as situations such as Standby registrations, late receipt of answer sheets, or inconsistent identifying information are resolved. Please try again in a week</p>
<p>Same here, Birdie. It sucks...I hate to wait!</p>
<p>D was delayed a week in taking the 9/24 exam because of the threat of "Rita". (Not a sprinkle, by the way). After I saw this thread I called and was at first told that NO early online viewing of scores was possible (or would ever be possible) for her test date. After having a mild stroke and asking for verification I was told that they would be available next week. Sheesh.</p>
<p>I got my scores yesterday... the 4th.
Got 30.
M:30 EN:31 RD:32 SR:27</p>
<p>My last scores were...
M:34 EN:28 RD:26 SR:28</p>
<p>My d classmate who sat next to her received her scores yesterday. I called ACT and I was told the tests are graded randomly. She also share with me that new scores are posted on line only on Wednesday and Friday. She said don't drive yourself crazy checking every day.
My d has a $40,000 academic scholarhip riding on a point......I am with you ShadowofanEnigma it does suck....but sometimes they save the best for last.....</p>
<p>birdie, $40K for a point? That's harsh. Makes you wonder,huh?</p>