Seriously dudes, i need an answer

<p>Could someone see how I fare?</p>

<p>SAT's W-630, V-620, Math-620
Student Body President of a 3000 student school
Student Gov officer all four years
Pre-IB and AP's all years, overall GPA 4.0
Excellent rec's (even from the Principle)
Run the Red Cross Blood Drive at the school
Other volunteer work weekly
Help run The Taylor Fund (<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;) which was set up two years ago when my 17 year old only sibling, and brother drowned two days before we moved cross the country. (We ended up moving back to my original state after 6 months in the other state.)
Great essay
Don't need financial aid
Anyone want to guess my chances?</p>

<p>You're in. No doubt.</p>

<p>I'll keep my fingers crossed!</p>