I know these topics are done to death, but I’m running out of summertime and I’ve yet to find another doctor.
My own doctor agreed to let me shadow him, but that hasn’t started and I’m afraid I’ll have to go back to college before any meaningful time because he’s in the middle of moving and can’t take me on yet. He asked his wife (OB/GYN) but she’s not comfortable having a male pre-med shadow her.
I emailed three doctors, and all said they’re dedicating their time to med students and can’t take on a pre-med student.
I wanted to ask my pre-med advisor but she’s away until the end of August. The only connections that my school offers is through the pre-med society which I didn’t join because I hated the environment. But I guess it’s my best shot.
I’m a rising sophomore. Would it be a problem to do the bulk of my shadowing (if I can’t find time during the school year…) the summer between sophomore and junior year?
I’ve asked pre-med friends who’ve found success, and most found them through the society and some come from a family of doctors who aren’t interested.
tl;dr The best way is to approach physicians you already know (family friends, your PCP). The next is to approach physicians you’ve met over the course of your clinical volunteering and ask them.
Ask physicians, not office staff–who are almost universally instructed to say no. Ask physicians in person, not by phone, not via email, because it’s much harder to say no to someone you’re talking to face-to-face.
UM has a shadowing program at the med school, but IIRC the waiting list to shadow is very long and it may take 6 to a year before your name rises to the top of the list. (UM has LOTS of pre-meds.)