Shook hands with a future Ivy league student.

<p>I wonder if he saw the envy in my eyes.</p>

<p>Possibly one of, if not THE most bizarre post ever.</p>

<p>one kid at our school who went to dartmouth got a 2390 on his SAT. I walked out the room right there after he said it and I said I don’t need my self-esteem dropped any more :P</p>

<p>lol’d at the OP</p>

<p>i feel like 50% of the people I know are current/future/past ivy league students. calm down.</p>

<p>Chocolate Rain.</p>

<p>I feel like my entire extended family attend Cornell. Weird.</p>

<p>lol I second ChoklitRain…</p>

<p>umm…okay. Half of my family members (cousins, etc.) are former Ivy League students, yes, it’s intimidating and the pressure is a bit overwhelming, but you can’t let it get to you…</p>


<p>I like how, in this thread, “Ivy League” is like… a separate entity from the rest of academia. Like there’s just a LINE. Bahahaha.</p>

<p>what a team player. Behind his back, your probably saying, “oh gosh, I really hate your.”</p>

<p>High School Life section is becoming a complete fail…</p>

<p>It really is isn’t it?</p>

<p>No .</p>

<p>I must say, your threads are pretty damn amazing also. Bordering on the edge of epic fail, but since it’s moderately amusing I’ll let it slide without the title “epicfail” this time.</p>

<p>This thread is.</p>

<p>Now that I’ve seen some of your other threads…</p>



<p>This forum would be better if more people constantly repeated internet memes from like a year ago. Like “epic fail.”</p>

<p>Wait what? You mean people don’t use epic fail in real life conversations? My school must be weird.</p>

<p>Lol, have any new memes been popularized yet? I’m not in touch with the these things anymore…</p>

<p>Haha, and “epic fail” can still be heard around campus, although it has only spread to the commoners recently. The “1337 Haxorz” have had it in their vocabularies a for while now…</p>