Shooting ranges around Nashville

<p>I'm interested in recreational shooting, so on the weekends, I might consider visiting a few ranges. I know that you can store recreational firearms at the Vanderbilt Police Department, though they won't carry ammunition for you. Are there any people who live around Nashville who shoot and might recommend anything?</p>

<p>[from:</a> 2301 Vanderbilt Pl, Nashville, TN 37240 to: 1100 County Hospital Rd, Nashville, TN 37218 (Tennessee Clay Target Complex) - Google Maps](<a href=“Google Maps”>Google Maps)</p>

<p>This is the only one my buddies and I have been to, it’s definitely above average. One of the biggest drawbacks of Vanderbilt compared to some of our counterparts is that if you don’t have a farm or land nearby, you can’t really wake up and decide to go shooting that morning (unless you go to the range). I have a couple guns at a relative’s farm (also goes here, but different fraternity) in Franklin so I like to get out there as often as possible for that reason (that policy is completely ridiculous, I’m a big supporter of those Campus Carry or whatever they’re called initiatives).</p>

<p>Incidentally, that map also shows Ted Rhodes and McCabe golf courses. They’re the two popular municipals among students. Pretty good greens and upkeep for cheap courses, rounds are only like $30 too.</p>

<p>Good question TheKillerAngel, I like how you think.</p>

<p>And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why Vanderbilt is still a Southern school. Not an exchange you’d likely be reading on the Tufts message board.</p>

<p>Wow. I lol’d at this thread. I’m ashamed I’m so liberal.</p>

<p>I need to meet you people to get my mind opened more. I’ve never even heard of recreational shooting before.</p>

<p>never heard of recreational shooting!?!</p>

<p>SAE, is that place clay targets only, or do they have any pistol/rifle ranges? also if you have a concealed carrying lic can you have a concealed weapon on campus?</p>

<p>Thanks VandySAE; I’ll definitely check it out. I do have the same questions as ModernChem though.</p>

<p>Oh yeah - for ModernChem - I think Tennessee State Law forbids students from carrying firearms on campus.</p>

<p>As taken from [The</a> Vanderbilt Torch: Torch Debate: Mo’ Guns, Mo’ Problems](<a href=“]The”> :</p>



<p>does it make anyone else nervous that a guy with the screen name Killer Angel is asking about shooting near campus?</p>

<p>I thought the same, Bridie. Haha.</p>

<p>FYI it’s taken from the book “The Killer Angels” by Michael Shaara.</p>

<p>Anytime someone asks, “Is Vandy a Southern school?” just direct them to this thread. lol</p>

<p>Vandy is nothing compared to texas a&m, some of the dorms there have gun lockers.</p>

<p>The south does rub off on you though. I, a bonafide northerner, went skeet shooting in the smokey mtns one weekend after visiting there, (for an hour, but still…)</p>

<p>You can’t carry on campus with a concealed carry. That’s what I was mentioning earlier, it’s ridiculous and thought provoking. (Almost all states are that way these days though, OK and TX legislatures even shot down amendments recently to fix it.)</p>

<p>That place is just clays, but you can shoot sporting clays, five stand, whatever. There is another range called Gun City or something like that with indoor pistol and rifle ranges, never been though.</p>

<p>Wow… I should have posted this. I’ve missed plinking with my dad! It sounds like Vandy has the perfect mindset for me. I’m psyched! =D</p>

<p>Our local gun club is less than a mile from our house. I never thought about keeping up the sport while away at college. Something to think about.</p>