<p>For "What would you do with a free afternoon" and "What makes you feel physically and mentally renewed, other than a good night's rest"
Are these suppose to be non-academic. Something like playing basketball, ect. or are these suppose to be intellectual? Is Yale just trying to get a sense of who you are and there are no right or wrong answers?</p>
<p>Watching Discovery Channel or History Channel while memorizing my thesaurus and/or surfing Wikipedia to gain new knowledge :)</p>
<p>Nah, just kidding. These aren't any trick questions and there are very few "wrong" answers. You should write about what really makes you feel renewed, academic or not. Basketball would be fine.</p>
<p>The Informational session guy said to be honest... They don't want to hear stuff like "I like to analyze debates on CNN while listening to Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture"</p>
<p>lol but I really do search wikipedia endlessly to gain knowledge!!</p>
<p>j/k. but I put that I would like to learn something new, whether it's by reading Plato from my classics collection or meeting new people. i really do love to learn (corny, I know).</p>
<p>free time - reading mystery novels and Wired magazine XD
renewed - meditating (cliche, I know, but I've been doing this since I was five for religious reasons; I even included the mantra I use)</p>
<p>I listed all the things I would do with a free afternoon if time granted it.
My renewed list was just a continuation of that, now that I think about it. :)</p>
<p>Ah I think I was way too serious about the second one at least. I talked about how I always feel renewed when I read great literature (which is absolutely true; I spent my last trip to Hawaii reading William Faulkner and James Joyce). I hope they don't think I was BSing it.</p>