Shot At vAriose uc's

<p>i am a white mAlE( from thE bAlkAns) from out of stAtE </p>

<p>gpA; uc gpA to bE 4.0 </p>

<p>sAt’s; highes combo ; cr 710 math 730 writing 730= 2170 </p>

<p>Senior yEAr coursEs;</p>

<pre><code> A.P stAt.
A.P lAtin virgil
A.P physics B
A.P cAlc AB
Some english honors coursE
Some Reigion Honors course

 Other A.P's tAkEn( ExAm grAdE) ; world history(5) , chEm (3),U.S(4) history 

  sAt 2's ; chem 730 ,us history 770math 2 690 

 i also took a bunch of honors courses 

  ExtrAcurrculArs ;

              Editor of nEwspApEr
              Editor of yEArbook
              cAptAin of th mAth tEAm 
              nAt. honor sociEty prEsidAnt 

           i hAv. AmAzing EssAy's+ hopEfully AwsomE tEAchEr rEcs  

              my uc list; bErkEly / dAvis/ LA.....i Also plAn to Aply to usc And pomonA ........

           so do i hAvE A shot



<p>UC Davis: Match
UCLA/UCB: slight reach</p>

<p>I think you have a good shot at the UCs especially you are editor of newspaper and yearbook. I know UCLA loves that. One suggestion though, please use the conventional upper/lower case when you submit your essays.</p>

<p>whAt Aboot usc or pomonA</p>

<p>You have a good shot at all of them, just don't make an ass out of yourself in the essays by tYpInG likE dIs.</p>

<p>lol. someone had fun TyPiNg...</p>

<p>UCD: match
UCB: slight reach</p>

<p>I dont know about UCLA..</p>