Shot in the dark recommendations!

<p>Hey there!</p>

<p>Trying to find the best school fit for me and would love some recommendations from you guys of schools that I have a good chance of getting into. Here's a little bit about me:</p>

<p>-HS GPA 2.9 due to medical reasons
-Two quarters of CC immediately following HS w 3.3 GPA.
-7 years of work experience in family law as a paralegal and now at a non-profit that provides therapy for foster kids. I began as a volunteer and then offered a paid position.
-Currently volunteering as an advocate for survivors of sexual abuse and trained in self-defense workshops for school-age girls.
-Non-status Native American female.
-One year of CC under my belt this go around with 4.0 GPA and 18 credit per quarter class load.
-active Native Nations club member, participating in Students of Color Coalition.
-By the time I graduate from CC I will be at Calculus II math.</p>

<p>My intended major is sociology with a minor in urban studies. I would love to transfer to Columbia's GS program but I'm not a famous actor or business owner so I'm dubious about acceptance but something comparable would be ideal. Most important factors when picking a school are definitely 1) Quality of program and prestige 2) Location... I need urban life! 3) Aid availability and 4) Diversity of student population and professors.</p>

<p>Would love to hear your input!</p>

<p>Fordham, Manhattan, Northeastern, American U., DePaul, Loyola-Chicago.</p>

<p>Maybe something like Ohio or Penn State as a semi-reach.</p>

<p>If you have really good test scores, you could try for Northwestern. Your HS GPA is low but the CC GPA might help offset it.</p>