Should CC allow posts that aren't related to colleges

I don’t particularly enjoy being micro-managed by admin, so no loss

I also agree that quite a few of the heated discussions actually happen on “school related” threads. I actually read the TOS before agreeing to them . It would help if other posters would do the same.

Thank you! What a concept!

@JadedJunior, so you feel that others aren’t moderated enough, and you are too much. We can’t win.

There are many helpful long time posters who would leave the community for good if there wasn’t watercooler talk to keep them around during the slow summer months.

I don’t think it’s that difficult to follow the TOS. I think the people who do get warned frequently, or the ones who toe the line often know they’re doing it, and I think the mods have been doing an especially thorough job lately as evidenced by the jailbars. If you don’t think you can stick to the TOS, then don’t post imo. No need to suggest the cafe be shut down for the rest of us who are capable of following it.

I came for the college talk and stayed for the “beyond”. This site is a wonderful resource for adults in the same stage of life, leading up to, during, and after the kids’ college years have been completed. I’m glad I can contribute to the school threads and also hang out in the parent cafe.

I agree @psychmama . I may never need a $500 dress or $300 pair of shoes but I sure enjoy the threads where they’re discussed. And theremember have been some great threads for people of a “certain age”.


Just stay out of the parents cafe. that is where the threads are that are not about college.

@thumper1, good point.

@WorryHurry411, I don’t think that CC needs to be one of your worries. It’s been around for quite awhile. :slight_smile:

If CC only allowed college related posts I would have mostly bowed out a year ago when my youngest had decided on a college. I would only be back if she was having some specific, college related issues.

But I’m here at least a few times a week, sometimes more than that because I know I’ll find information or a rollicking good discussion on current events or weddings, or fitness, or Costco credit cards. I don’t always log in, but I love the threads. I imagine I’ll continue to come to CC as long as those threads are allowed. The discussions are polite, and posters are incredibly knowledgable.

There are college specific areas of CC that I have never even visited. I had been a lurker and then a member for a long time before I checked out the Parent Cafe. There is space here for all of us.

CC is the epitome of passive-aggressiveness

I’ve been here a long time. It’s no better or worse than it used to be (well, I still hate the new layout but content-wise it’s not going anywhere).

Though I’m not sure that I understand the current crackdown…

I also like the watercooler aspects. We can be serious when we need to be. And there are some threads that educated me, opened my eyes, or made me more sensitive. Hurrah for those.

But worryhurry, you realize you started a non-college thread with this?

Seriously deeeznuts? Review your own post history please.

You mean, like this one? :))

My chuckle for a Monday morning. Thanks.

Well, apparently you do worry, a bit too much. Some of us have been around here for a decade longer than you have, and it has grown significantly. No need to worry that it will lose its popularity.

I nominate this thread for Meta Monday.

I think the increasing leniency of allowing political posts (and in fact entire threads) has made the closing of the elections & politics subforum rather pointless. Some topics are innately political, such as the Brexit and the gun control legislative sit-in. Yet there they are.

I’ve reported posts that mention a candidate (especially in an off-topic context) or advance an expressly political position. But if I was to report every post that’s political, that would be all I’d be doing.

The standard seems to be if things stay civil, the moderators use a light touch. Perhaps keeping these topics in the cafe preserves civility that would disappear if the elections & politics subforum were to ever reopen.

@guidedbywire, moderators are volunteers who do our best to “patrol” the threads. But we can’t catch everything.

You have reported five posts. Moderators responded almost immediately in all cases and deleted the posts and warned the poster. I can assure you, we have deleted many posts that you never saw.

We rely on other users to report posts.

Exactly! That’s what the CC team of moderators does every day. We just need a little help.