Should high school age students get free college education

<p>I read the judgment and I was kind of surprised...</p>

<p>They essentially asked the judge to declare that all students under the age of 16 are subject to compulsory education laws...which is BAD for gifted students, really. If someone meets the rules under, say, the CHSPE, then there shouldn't be any more restrictions on what they can do.</p>

<p>Those children who are advanced beyond their peers in the k-12 track, have always challenged the system to provide them a meaningful education at their level rather than have them spinning wheels. It becomes the parents' jobs to jump on the school system to assist in the solution; too often, it becomes completely the parents' responsibility as the system's solutions are not adequate. I guess that is why this case is in court. I've seen many parents take the school system to court because of inadequate alternatives.</p>