Should I Apply? (Chance Me)

So I have a low GPA (UW is around 3.34) and a mediocre 29 ACT. Grades were really high freshman year and dipped with one really bad semester because of mental illness and family issues and are now making an upward trend but still not spectacular (finished last semester with a 3.58).

My course selection has been rigorous but my grades are average. Extracurriculars include Musical Theater, German Club, Decathlon, Band, and Varsity Soccer and I have held leadership positions in all. I am really intrigued by the school and also the artistic opportunities in the area. I am hoping to apply as either a Comp Sci or Physics major.

Is it still worth it to apply or should I just focus on applying to UW-La Crosse (my second choice)?

Apply to both. Worst case scenario is you do not get accepted to UW-Madison. You sound realistic with having your backup. Remember that 1/4 of the students will be in the lowest quartile but still will be at UW and can succeed. You can’t get in if you don’t apply, you may get in if you do. Be prepared to work hard at any college.

btw- that 29 is midrange, good, NOT mediocre.