Should I apply Early Decision to GW?

I am a prospective GW student and am hoping to get some advice on whether or not I should apply early decision to GW.
I am a white female from Virginia
GPA: 4.45 weighted
SAT: 1270 (my test scores are on the lower end of the spectrum but is GW still test-optional?)
Top 5% of my class. Rank 8/341
Previously taken: AP World History (4), AP Psychology (5), AP US History (5), AP Language and Composition (4)
Currently enrolled in: AP Economics, AP Spanish, AP Literature, AP US/Comp Government
My personal essay is about the loss of my father.
Theater (involved in every main-stage play and musical at my high school for the past 3 years)
Cappie Critic (Theater-related program which involves reviewing musicals/plays in the DMV area throughout the year)
Current President of the History Honor Society
Former Secretary of the Interact Club
National Honor Society Member
International Thespian Society Member
Forensics Club member (public speaking club)
Spanish National Honor Society Member
Volunteered with the Virginia Democratic Party
Had a job throughout my sophomore and junior year (now I do not have time as a senior)
Volunteer at my local elementary school as a reading mentor

I plan on majoring in political science and minoring in a language-probably Spanish. I am also considered double majoring in political science and history. I also later hope to attend law school.

My mother attended GW and graduated in the class of '94 and I have visited the campus several times.

Thank you!!

I’m very sorry to hear about your father- I can’t imagine growing-up without mine :frowning:

With that said, yes- GW is test optional. I’d recommend utilizing it, too, as your stats are excellent and your test score would probably hurt.

Overall, it seems your chance of admittance is excellent. If you think you need a fair amount of financial aid then it’d probably be best to apply Regular Decision. If financial aid doesn’t matter, then go ahead and apply ED just to further cement your odds.

So sorry to hear about your father… Death is terrible and for whatever it’s worth, this internet hippo sends his deepest condolences.

But regardless,You’ve got a great chance!!!

Go test optional: with a GPA like yours, they won’t think twice about your qualifications. If you were to submit your SAT, the admissions officers may assume (rightly or not) that the rigor of your education in HS wasn’t that tough. It will likely hurt you if anything.

Also, consider applying as a history major. You technically don’t declare a major until sophomore year, but with political science being the most popular major here, it can sometimes be more competitive. If you still want to be a poly sci major, then you can merely register for the appropriate courses at registration without consequence.

Best of luck!

You’ve got an excellent g.p.a and good AP scores so I would go test-option, and yes George Washington is still test-option. And because you’re a legacy student your chances of getting in are pretty high. My parents both attended George Washington in the 80’s so I can relate your situation- my mother had attended George Washington as a undergraduate and graduate in the business school. I honestly think you will get in. As far as preparing for law school, George Washington has a great pre-law program and you don’t necessarily have to take pre law courses because some of those are not properly taught and or make students worse off even at prestigious universities. Just focus on getting as of a g.p.a and if you can try to start studying for the LSAT in your sophomore year of high school. It takes at least a year to hit your peak on those things (LSAT and GMAT)- I have a friend who attended Pomona and started studying for the LSAT in her sophomore year of college. I don’t know how she managed but she scored a 179 after 2 years of self-study and gained admission into Yale Law School. Lastly, I’m sorry to hear about the loss of your father- that is very very tough to deal with and I hope you really make your dreams come true!