Should I apply to UCSB?

<p>I’m applying to colleges for Fall 2008, and I’m wondering if I should even bother with UCSB. I’ve visited the campus and really like it and the city of Santa Barbara, but it has some serious flaws. It doesn’t offer my prospective major (marketing) or any of my other interests (public relations, sport administration, and meteorology). Also I haven’t taken the SAT 2’s yet and I really don’t want to. I pretty much guarantee that I will do horrible on every one except for math 2c. And I’d much rather retake the SAT in Nov. to increase my chances at my other schools, then waste time with the SAT 2’s. Also my chances are UCSB aren’t that great to begin with considering I took too many ap/honors and they don’t count freshman year. Also I really like SDSU, so I will have an affordable instate option that offers a fun college experience and a major that I’m actually interested in. </p>

<p>So does it sound like UCSB would be a waste of time for me? Or should I suck it up and just take the SAT 2’s? And even if I get into UCSB I would most likely turn it down for less competitive schools like UMiami, LMU, USD, SDSU, and Indiana.</p>

"It doesn't offer my prospective major (marketing) or any of my other interests (public relations, sport administration, and meteorology)."


<p>I wouldn't bother with USCB. It obviously seems like UCSB can't meet your needs. </p>

Also I really like SDSU, so I will have an affordable instate option that offers a fun college experience and a major that I'm actually interested in.


<p>Need I say more? SDSU seems like the perfect match for you. I wouldn't waste my saturday and money taking the SAT II's.</p>

And even if I get into UCSB I would most likely turn it down for less competitive schools like UMiami, LMU, USD, SDSU, and Indiana.


<p>Yeah, just don't waste your time with UCSB.</p>

<p>yeah, i originally wanted to go to ucsb. but i didnt get in. now im attending sdsu as a business major. glad i went that route because tuition is cheaper. but i did find myself wasting alot of time last year with sat 2's and community service just to find out i didnt get into any ucs and csu's dont require such things.</p>

<p>g/l to you.</p>

<p>If you really want UCSB you could major in business economics and get an internship in their athletic support department, but it sounds like SDSU interests you more. </p>

<p>Check this out for a graduate school idea:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I'd apply to sb and give yourself a few extra months to decide</p>